QDMR crash with Segmentation fault (core dumped) reading Amytone 878UVplus FW v.3.01
Debug in src/application.cc@1002: Set icon theme to 'light'.
Debug in src/application.cc@81: Search fo…
I followed the instructions on adding _/etc/udev/rules.d/99-dmr.rules_ and added the recommended values:
> \# TYT MD-UV380
> SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0483", ATTRS{idProduct}==…
The D878UV, which [appears](http://members.optuszoo.com.au/jason.reilly1/868mods.htm) to be the same hardware can generate an analog APRS message. Is the 868 capable of the same, and/or can the 878 fi…
The Radio Anytone AT-D878UV Plus gives an error after writing the codeplug onto the radio if the Firmware is higher than 1.18.
Showing on the display of the radio "Codeplug Error. Please Initialize F…
When initially configuring APRS on a D878UV, TO-CALL is set to 'APDR10', which expands to 'Open Source: APRSdroid (app, Android)' on pages like aprs.fi
So please reconfigure this default to not mis…
Likely a different hardware revision to the AT-D878UV running the same firmware (?). If so not much needs to be done:
- [ ] **Get wireshark capture of codeplug read, write and call-sign DB write to…
Can dmrconfig be expanded to write larger Contact databases as obtained at sites such as https://radioid.net/database/dumps#! Or other such sites?
Hi. When pushing a codeplug with analog channels and DCS code, the DCS code is'nt pushed on the radio.
If i configure the DCS directly on the radio, qdmr is able to read them. Pushing the same codepl…
TOCALL borde vara APAT81, inte APDR10.
Fantastic code plug
Edit: VK1RBH is no longer, it is VK1RAC, available for use by anyone not just wicen and is now on 146.900 -600 no tone.
Wade VK1MIC 24/6/20