Hello! Thanks so much for the mod. I’ve been using them for ages and they, industrializing low-tier production chains in particular, are now a staple of all my games.
However I’ve recently tried inc…
Don't use pre built zip archive from artifactory, see https://github.com/HotswapProjects/hotswap-docklands/blob/master/wildfly/Dockerfile
The `Fly.io` `Postgres` is _unmanaged_ i.e. a YOYO ("You're On Your Own") sometimes up, sometimes down. 😕
But the _stateless_ Virtual Machines (VMs) have decent uptime and the _deployment_ is good. …
1- Layout Model - dentro do produto:
Tem como colocar em típicos?
Do jeito que está, está confuso e repetitivo.
@everaldomatias, @matheusgimenez e @isaquemelo.
Preciso da ajuda de vocês pra tentarmos chegar em uma solução para o Banner da Docklands no Mobile. Já discutimos isso antes e entendemos que precisa…
@matheusgimenez como conversado por Telegram, por gentileza coloque uma opcao no Painel para que a Docklands receba e-mails do status da execucao do Cron (interface de estoque com a DAMS). Desta forma…
Once we have the basics of the framework implemented then it would be great to run some introductory workshops with the local creative coding community in Melbourne.
I know Ben was interested in h…
I'm new to docker and just started to experiment with docker. Therefor I used the docklands wildfly image. Starting wildfly with an ENTRYPOINT causes the image to not react on image shutdownhook and t…
老铁这种把life 当project一样hack,并且详细记录,可以可以,同在Mel,希望见一面
needed for at least https://github.com/organicmaps/organicmaps/issues/3419, probably others too
Currently, metro network types are assigned by checking if the POI is within a BBox representing a ci…