您好,请问CenterNet:objects as points网络可以实现grad-cam吗?应该如何实现呢?
Thanks for publishing this great repo! I am debugging an SSD network used for a 3-class object detection task.
Can I use this repo for visualizing such a network as well? I would appreciate it i…
How can I modify the [gradcam_yolov3.py](https://github.com/RuoyuChen10/objectdetection-saliency-maps/blob/main/tutorial/gradcam-yolov3.ipynb) to use in RetinaNet?
I managed to train a SlowFast model (8x8) for the Kinetics data, now I am trying to run the demo for this model. The goal is to write the Grad-CAM results for 1 video to a file.
As suggested in th…
Hello ,
I am interested to know how can i generate the saliency map for multiple object in one image.
I know how to find a saliency map only for one object in the image , but i don't know how …
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## ref
- [Deep learning papers reading roadmap](https://github.com/floodsung/Deep-Learning…
First, thanks a lot for your amazing job, it is so helpful!
**Describe the bug**
I tried to convert a pretrained model of PointPillars (Kitti 3class) to tensorrt but the conversion failed. To be…
1. [Binary Relevance Efficacy for Multilabel Classification](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13748-012-0030-x) > https://github.com/Gin04gh/datascience/issues/6#issuecomment-419388287
1. […
Hi, I see you use Faster R-CNN to do generate heatmaps for Grad-CAM. Is it possible to apply Grad-CAM to the Mask R-CNN?
I directly change the model(use PyTorch pre-trained Mask R-CNN). It didn't w…
## Keyword: metric learning
### ShufaNet: Classification method for calligraphers who have reached the professional level
- **Authors:** Ge Yunfei, Diao Changyu, Li Min, Yu Ruohan, Qiu Linshan, Xu…