Develop a comprehensive schedule planning tool that displays classroom numbers, professor names, class names, duration, and timings.
Include filters for selecting schedule types (e.g., Lecture, Onlin…
The plan is to trial a flipped classroom model for the next delivery, where students will read through the material before the in-person time, which will instead focus only on questions and exercises.…
Problem: Too little in-class programming.
Action: Add some “flipped classroom” lessons where students are expected to review the material outside of class and then accomplish a programming exercise …
Message from Mitch:
Flipped classroom resources
Hello folks, apologies for not being able to attend the session on Saturday. I ran a ( roughly one hour session ) on learning at CYF which I used to f…
# Intro
We are in the process of creating a strong pedagogical method for our organization to give to Universities so they can prepare students for the Future of Work. Our goal is to develop an appro…
What is relevant, citeable literature? I know the Physics Education Research literature has relevant results about learning from peers, flipped classrooms, and so on. But other things we should be cit…
Guidance where to find what
- ETH Vorlesungsverzeichnis
- GitHub Org H4sci
- Book (rse-book)
Explain the course concept (see Minna's notes)
OBO Academy: https://oboacademy.github.io/obook/
Schedule: https://oboacademy.github.io/obook/courses/monarch-obo-training/
We should announce OBO Academy tutorials on the OBO Foundry website.
You have a nice [Audience page](http://www.datacarpentry.org/semester-biology/about/audience/) already, but it does not seem to say anything about the expected background of the students. While I ima…
I'd really appreciate to have an additional mode in which students can ask and rate questions, but can not yet answer questions up to a certain date. After that deadline, the activity switches back to…