I read other FAQ posted on genotype. Sorry, but I wanted to make sure if I understood this correct. In my data, all the CNV calls had 0/1 as genotype. Could you please explain if this is an …
i use pip to intall cuteSV, and my command is : "cuteSV CRR302668.fastq.gz.bam Db-1_genome.fa Col-CEN_cuteSV.vcf ./".
the pogram did generate the vcf file, but i gent the results as below all the G…
Hello! Is it possible to use tensorqtl to perform QTL analyses with _genotype likelihoods_ derived from low-coverage whole genome sequencing data, instead of hard-called genotypes?
Thanks for an…
If I want to use the genotype matrix as input to another library, is it something doable? For instance, something like:
1. Suggest hover over for the x axis: Pathogenic Genotype (%): % of individuals predicted to be affected based on their genotype
1. gnomAD plot needs a legend for the red diamonds and blue bars. I'm …
I wanted to "copy edit" this:
so that I could create an overexpression allele, but it wasn't possible?
Hi Stuart and Natalia,
I am testing out _diemR_ using whole genome data and I am having issues with plotPolarized.
My dataset seems to be too big and keep running into memory issues when plotti…
I am trying to generate genotype data. My genotype data is based on the reference genome: GRCh37.
While generating the rsid and variant list files and also downloading the mutation age and genetic …
I am currently benchmarking tools that balance "compression and accessibility" for genotype data and encountered an issue when using XSI with large datasets. I hope you can assist me in resolvi…
I have a VCF without genotypes or FORMAT column. The ALT field can have multiple alleles. Example:
test 1478 . C T,A 3232 PASS DP=36715;AF=0.120142;SB…