* page breaks - do we need them?
* empty box left where wordcloud used to be
* Action Number/Acronym/Title all the same text
* ENA enters nothing
* GEO enters nothing
* NCBI enters nothing
* genbank enters nothing
* PRIDE enters nothing
* Other Endpoint Repositories enters nothing (different from…
FYI: During the Joint Hackathon we created a simple example of a connection between openEO and eolearn from the PerceptiveSentinel Project within the VITO backend using UDFs. It is currently located a…
Vocabularies are specified in the DT-GEO metadata schema:
- [ ] Organisation
- [x] ROR: https://api.ror.org/organizations
- [ ] PIC: 9-digit number
- [ ] File formats
- [x] Internet med…
orviz updated
3 months ago
Should serve also to detect regressions in the related tools and their interaction.
Currently relevant:
* GMT: https://github.com/radon-h2020/radon-gmt
* xOpera: https://github.com/radon-h2020/x…
Hi portal team, if I go to the https://portal.phenomenal-h2020.eu/app-library I can search some term, e.g. "isa" and see the matching tools. Can I also have a link to a query ? like https://portal.phe…
It would be great to have not only Funding ID but also what call the project was granted under. Is it possible to extend the project page form to input and display this information?
Integrate #842 pull request.
Originally requested in redmine: [#3269#note-11](https://issue.openaire.research-infrastructures.eu/issues/3269#note-11).