I ran the hand history converter on 3 of my files and then uploaded them to Pokerstars.
In one of the three files, I got 14 errors that looked like this.
04:27:34 pm: Error: PokerStars: Invalid po…
When selecting readYourHoleCards = true, the converter adds a "Hero shows [ HCs1 HCs2 ]" at the end of the hand, as if the "Hero" decided to expose their cards to everyone.
However, this method of …
When Antes are introduced, hands are not converting.
This log created a lot …
I ran into this error before, didn't want to really deal with it so I downloaded the source code and added a try/catch within the normalizePlayerNames method.
(base) Ben@Bens-Macbook handhistory-…
Any idea why PokerTracker isn't accepting the converted format?
06:44:55 pm: Error: PokerStars: Encountered unexpected end of hand history. (Hand #20210720025730218) (Line #7907)
06:44:55 pm:…