Hi folks,
I downloaded HPatches package, as well as sift and orb descriptors (e.g. `sh download.sh descr sift`). It turned out that for each patch per sequence(image), there exists one and only on…
[ax1, ay1], [bx1, by1], [ax2, ay2], [bx2, by2] etc
Reply to this issue with a summary of what you did for the hacker culture task. See [the task instructions](https://github.com/mikeizbicki/cmc-csci143/blob/2024spring/caveat_tasks/culture.md) for deta…
Hi @jpt13653903
I would like to know what algorithms are used in industry for FMCW beat frequency extraction. So far I believe CFAR is a common method, and Im wondering if the root MUSIC algorithm p…
Reply with your memo as a Comment. The memo should be responsive to this week's readings on Misinformation from Carl Bergstrom, with 300–500 words + 1 visual element (e.g., figure, image, hand-drawn p…
Hi, I encounter the same problem as in https://github.com/facebookresearch/LAMA/issues/10.
And I found the reason why 2 examples are filtered is that the `obj_label` are `1970s` and `1990s`. And in `…
貼吧活動:(請查閱 [SARS-CoV-2 Timeline by 2020.02.21](https://github.com/agorahub/_meta/blob/agoran/theagora/sari/Memorandum_2020-02-21_SARS-CoV-2-Timeline_Nathan.pdf?raw=true), by Nathan :cloud: )
- Colla…
The latest PCL release is [v1.13.1](https://github.com/PointCloudLibrary/pcl/releases/tag/pcl-1.13.1). What does `sudo apt install libpcl-dev` install. Can the package version that is being installed …
Hi, @rpautrat. When I run the notebooks of detector_evaluation_magic_point.ipynb, I have some doubts about the results.