1.(HMMR) Learning 3d human dynamics from video(2019)
temporal encoder: **1D temporal** convolutional layers, **precompute** the image features on each frame, get current and ±∆t frames prediction.
1.Shape-aware Multi-Person Pose Estimation from Multi-View Images(2021)
Part Affinity Fields (PAFs),2d clusters candidate to 3d cluster candididate, confidence-aware votingbased algorithm.
code: htt…
1.HoloPose: Holistic 3D Human Reconstruction In-The-Wild(2019)
mixture-of-experts rotation prior, part-based modeling( features co-varies with joint position)
code: can not open [http://arielai.com/…
1.TexturePose: Supervising Human Mesh Estimation with Texture Consistency(2019)
Texture map (texel): A corresponding UVmap un-warps the template surface onto an image, A, which is the texture map
1.Delving Deep Into Hybrid Annotations for 3D Human Recovery in the Wild(2019)
In annotations used for input and supervision, dense correspondence can be more effective, or achieve same results when …
1.PARE: Part Attention Regressor for 3D Human Body Estimation(2021)
img-->volumetric features(before the global average pooling)-->part branch: estimates attention weights +feature branch: performs S…
**With Clothes**
1.Learning to reconstruct people in clothing from a single rgb camera(2019)
code:https://github.com/thmoa (no training code) (same link to 1,2,3)
2.Multi-garmentnet: Learning to…
1.Learning to Reconstruct 3D Human Pose and Shape via Model-fitting in the Loop(2019)
collaborate regression-based (as initial pose) and iterative optimization-based approach.
code: No
2.Weakly S…
1.Revitalizing optimization for 3d human pose and shape estimation: A sparse constrained formulation(2021)
2.Body meshes as points(2021)
regared as a two class classification task(if a grid…
Hey all, i am aiming to do keypoints detection on my own dataset which include only two keypoints and not 17 like human pose estimation.
I tried to use the pre trained weights of COCO for human po…
ghost updated
6 years ago