Application should automatically prompt user for missing arguments if is running inside interactive environment, for such purposes there are `inquire`, `clap-interactive`, `promkit` and `shrust` libra…
Potential usability feature: hovering over points on the graph shows the exact value ?
Create an interactive simulation for Chemical Bonding. You are free to use any form of animation or creativity of your own.
In this module, you will dive deeper into CSS by applying increasingly specific styling to various elements.
**Learning Objectives**
- Adapt your CSS to perform as expected in different browsers.
- P…
1. Landing Page & Story Selection
A visually appealing homepage with a carousel of story covers.
Users can click on a book cover to start reading a story.
2. Page Flip Animation
Use CSS animations or …
Would be nice to have custom Toast UI that can contain clickable buttons/links etc.
The main use case for this would be when receiving files from other devices on the tailscale network, instead of ju…
Prompt user for parameters
We use interactive rebase a lot to clean up branches, and doing so is a requirement for our workflow. This is the only feature missing that I think is of significant value to me, and I hope you'll con…
### Tell us about your idea
Create a new Hyperbee.XS.Interactive project to build a .NET Interactive kernel that runs XS.
### Anything else?
_No response_
Remove OpenSAFELY Interactive Login form and associated code, including any changes to the user model.