kanka ben bu kodu logitechsiz nasıl çalıştırabilirim
Hi, I'm the maintainer of the Kanka-Foundry module (https://github.com/eXaminator/kanka-foundry).
I received a conflict bug (https://github.com/eXaminator/kanka-foundry/issues/140) but was able to …
kanka ben mars kolay gelsin yeni sistem getirmişsin sanırsam socket hatası vardı onu düzeltmişsin
node ecosystem.config.js yazıyorum olmuyor kanka
Barebones as a regular copy + paste affair like GMBinder would be fine, though the Kanka dev team have made an [API ](https://kanka.io/en-US/docs/1.0/) which would be usable.
Additionally, there i…
ryceg updated
4 years ago
I've been looking to turn my folders of imported Kanka entries into compendia, in order to ease load times. The tools offered by Foundry work good overall (creating a module, exporting the journal fol…
güzel xwormmuş dostum :D
kanka ben pek anlamadım yaptığını ama pek bi bokada yaradığını sanmıyorum ne işe yarıo kanka bu
Poxiy updated
10 months ago