Ich habe ein [Beispiel](https://dini-ag-kim.github.io/amb/draft/#full-example-school) genommen, ein wenig angepasst und dann durch https://validator.schema.org/ laufen lassen. Da treten momentan 5 Feh…
Migrating in from https://www.w3.org/2011/webschema/track/issues/30
Stephane Corlosquet, Jean Delahousse and others have explored proposals
for representing SKOS in Schema.org. After much…
In der Ressourcentypliste des FWU SODIS Content Pools gibt es 37 Einträge, siehe https://cp.sodis.de/api/get?lom_resourcetype. Hier eine Liste:
application Anwendung/Software
assessment Lern…
Whether I use the editor or curl, I can post to the inbox but it won't be forwarded to the followers' inboxes.
Curl example:
$ curl -vH "content-type: application/json" 'https://skohub.io/i…
Skohub is a static site generator for SKOS vocabularies. It's result can be browsed in machine-readable form (see https://blog.lobid.org/2019/09/27/presenting-skohub-vocabs.html) and could be wrapped …
As there doesn't exist an `educationalLevel` property in LRMI/schema.org we went ahead and used `schema:audience` in combination with [ISCED-1997](https://github.com/hbz/vocabs-edu/blob/master/isced-1…
Die VZG verwaltet eine Liste von [Lizenzen für Metadaten oder Bilder](http://uri.gbv.de/terminology/license/). Hier die [Rohdaten in JSKOS](http://api.dante.gbv.de/voc/license/top). Die Liste enthält …
Currently, the data model uses its own names for the different extractors. Eventually we want to align the names of the extractors to comply with the edusharing naming conventions?
/cc @philbarker @vholland
Not urgent but just wanted to note this for potential consistency/cleanup attention. If they are unrelated we could just say so...
It would be great to just publish a SKOS vocab on GitHub and then be able to have all the functionality in SkoHub without setting up a redirect.
## Background
I wanted to publish https://github.…