jde := julian.TimeToJD(time.Now())
var e planetelements.Elements
planetelements.Mean(planetelements.Earth, jde, &e)
earthSemiMajorAxis := e.Axis
fmt.Println("semi-major axis of Earth:"…
The TEI is http://www.d-meeus.be/linux/sandbox/sandbox.xml, the stylesheet is http://www.d-meeus.be/linux/sandbox/splitLevel0/sandbox0.xsl and the result http://www.d-meeus.be/linux/sandbox/splitLevel…
In certain cultures the surname comes first and TEI allows surname forename in that order under persName. Though the HTML5 transformation (7.44 as a Debian package) seems to put the forename first any…
In TEI XML https://d-meeus.be/biblio/biblio.xml, line 64596[\*], see (\. This gives in HTML (https://d-meeus.be/biblio/Reiter1975.html) an undue space between parenthesis and number.
[\*] Search 0853…
I really love this library!
Unfortunately the `#getMoonPosition` method is returning wrong values.
_Note_: I'd love to use it for some eclipse visualizations, but so fare I couldn't get the rig…
As Dominique Meeùs pointed out on [TEI-L](https://listserv.brown.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A2=TEI-L;7eff3b12.2204), people might be scared by the phrase "This is a set of unofficial, unguaranteed, Debian package…
We can predict leap seconds algorithmically.
Old algorithm can be found in Meeus; Astronomical Algorithms.
More correct one is described in https://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/SEhelp/deltatpoly2004.html
I noticed in the file ```TODO.rst``` adding the functionality for lunar/solar eclipses.
I am not sure if you intend to calculate this information or rather draw from a table. For what it's worth, …
Viewing solar eclipses in the far past (first few centuries AD), we see the shadow path shown in the Solar eclipses window doesn't match the simulated view from the given location. See screenshot belo…
Atque updated
2 months ago
Is it published or what? I see it merged into master, but both CocoaPods and SPM list 2.4.0 as the latest.