TAPS is a methyl-seq method where mC are converted into T.
In SAM spec, most of the mC examples highlight “C+m”, however C+m does not work off the shelf with TAPS data since the mC are re…
Hello, I keep encountering this error when trying to run the Methyl-SNP-seq-main/Read_Processing/DeconvolutionWithCalibration python script:
#### Which new datasets are being added with this release?
#### What is the sample breakdown (number of WGS, WXS, RNA-Seq, Panel, Methylation, other)?
Merge the reads from all the cells of a particular cell type from BICCN snATAC-seq and methyl-C data to visualize peaks and read depth in epiviz.
### Description of feature
I've adapted the workflow to process data from the NuGEN Ovation RRBS Methyl-Seq system. See [branch](https://github.com/zifornd/methylseq/tree/ovation) and proce…
Some recent BS-seq programs store methylation information in a SAM tag. One example is [Bismark](http://www.bioinformatics.babraham.ac.uk/projects/bismark/Bismark_User_Guide.pdf). A flag for `--methyl…
Nice package for multi-omics! Many thanks for developing and maintaining it.
I have a multi-omic dataset and wanted to create a simulated dataset based on it.
That dataset have a block of da…
I am getting an output error relating to samblaster when trying to align to me reference genome:
samblaster: Inputting from stdin
samblaster: Outputting to stdout
I think that make_reference ran successfully (although it claims a 'fatal error: unable to reallocate enough memory' near the end of the log), however I am having trouble getting mapping_variant_calli…
Hi Felix,
I have a couple of questions regarding Bismark. I'm sorry if they are stupid questions; I am fairly new to WGBS data and Bismark analysis (or to bioinformatics in general).
We are rese…