I haven't looked at much yet, but MTGOWiki has an API located [here](https://www.mtgowikiprice.com/api).
I'll look at other options too.
[Perplexity input](https://www.perplexity.ai/search/https-mtgtop8-com-site-has-a-f-xUVQyA0zS4KKGZUWGZigeQ#1)
I tried the tool and getting an error while calling `MTGO`
`call.MTGO(outfolder = root, verbose = TRUE)`
======> MTGO executed with the following OUTPUT:
======> MTGO executed with the fol…
Hi, first of all thanks for the great tool. I am still learning how to use it, so apologies if any of this is trivial.
Inspecting the MULTIFACED_CARDS.txt file shows it (1) is outdated and (2) con…
gfrt0 updated
6 months ago
Could someone please help with how to fix this error with MTGOsc.
openjdk version "11.0.1" 2018-10-16 LTS is installed on MacOS.
call.MTGO(outfolder = new.path, verbose = TRUE)
Error in c…
**What is the expected behaviour of the card?**
- It should prevent damage dealt to it on your turn
**What is the actual behaviour of the card?**
- It prevents damage dealt to it, even on oppon…
**What is the expected behaviour of the card?**
- Oni-Cult Anvil should create a Construct token whenever an artifact leaves the battlefield.
**What is the actual behaviour of the card?**
- Oni…
### Description
If a card isn't on Arena, then using the DecklistFormatter.ARENA should remove those cards from the output string. The same is true for MTGO. I believe that information should be stor…
**What is the expected behaviour of the card?**
- When cast for its madness cost, Grave Scrabbler can return a creature card from a graveyard to its owners hand.
**What is the actual behaviour of…
Hi there. After installing docker and the mtgo image and after adding myself to the docker group and running the ./run-mtgo command, I am returned with the error:
docker run --privileged --rm -e DI…