This would be a good starting point for articles curation (https://newsapi.org) but only 260 chars for content are available through free API or less if article is paywalled. Only past 1 month of arti…
I have code for this in NCA (https://github.com/uoregon-libraries/newspaper-curation-app/blob/develop/static/js/sortabletable.js) which is adapted from an old Illinois "accessible" table sort script. …
\> [Canvas cutouts spanning Manifests](https://github.com/IllDepence/iiif-notes/blob/master/curation_discussion.md)
The August 2023 TEI-L discussion (subject-line "Credit Taxonomy in teiHeader") suggests some good ways to improve our Guidelines guidance on encoding ``, providing examples of role taxonomies. Let's u…
In this challenge, we want you to rewrite the rules on how we experience media online. Content is being presented to us in new ways, faster than we understand the technology behind it, and we continue…
**What's your idea for a cool feature that would help you use OHM better.**
Ideally, visitors could compare the vector data on our map to an underlying raster of an old map. This would provide a rich…
Dawid, A. P., and Skene, A. M. 1979. [“Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Observer Error-rates using the EM Algorithm.”](https://www.jstor.org/stable/pdf/2346806.pdf) Applied Statistics 28(1): 20-28.
Which acts like a shepherd for the commons. This would be able do fundraising also from public partners. Then spend it for infrastructure, maintenance of OFL licensed stuff and fostering the ecosystem…
I am developing #MAGAZINEgts, a ground-truth storage format based on an ontological "stack" of #cidocCRM/FRBRoo/PRESSoo. This format uses a metamodel subgraph design pattern of fine-grained PRESSoo Is…
First, pose a research question you would like to answer (in one, artfully worded sentence...ending with a question mark). This could be the same question you posed for the first week's assignment, or…