Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) http://localhost:62838/traceur.js
zone.js:388 Error: (SystemJS) XHR error (404 Not Found) loading http://localhost:628…
I have ng2-bs3-modal already installed and working with v "ng2-bs3-modal": "^0.10.4" I just updated to "ng2-bs3-modal": "0.13.0" and neither my existing code nor the examples work.
I use a library [ng2-bs3-modal](https://github.com/dougludlow/ng2-bs3-modal) and after upgrading my project to version 6.x.x the subscribe have no effect:
I have created Asp.Net MVC Angular2 application which is working fine while running in visual studio2017 External Host. But when i publish this application and run through IIS. i am receiving an error…
I'm having a problem to run this app. I cloned it, ran `npm install` and tried to run it with `npm 5.3.0`
Angular-kitchen-sink git:(master) ✗ npm run dev
> angularKitchenSink@0.3.27 dev /h…
Since upgrading to to Rxjs 5.5.2 and ng2-bs3-modal 0.13.0, I get the error:
**Cannot read property 'fromEvent' of undefined (modal-service.js).**
I get this error:
> ERROR TypeError: Cannot set property 'backdrop' of undefined
> at BsModalComponent.setOptions (ng2-bs3-modal.umd.js:122)
> at BsModalComponent.ngOnChanges (ng2-bs3-mod…
You have the same problem as described here:
I followed the instructions in the readme.md but when I run `npm run watch` I get the following error:
ERROR in ./src/views/header.html
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './\""' in 'D:\s…
I am using ng2-bs3-modal@^0.13.0 modal component in one of our projects.
On using swipe gesture on mobile devices screen reader should read elements form modal but now screen reader is readi…