op63_no02 has several passages of cross-staff beaming that also have incorrect clef placements and rests rendering in VHV.
The relevant passages are mm. 9, 11, 13–15, 26, 28–29. [Here are those pas…
This url may be help to understand section and variables
### セクションとか.textとか
### 広域変数が配置されるセクション
Mid measure key signatures are implemented in commit https://github.com/rism-digital/verovio/commit/fdf041393f016d6d2430e3b20f0076df559ea041
## Package(対象パッケージ)
- @kintone/rest-api-client
## Why(なぜ)
m. 30, staff1: the spine is split into two subspines on the second beat. At that beat, there should be a clef change that applies to the entire staff/spine. Only subspine 1(a) is rendering in bass cle…
Some pieces use arrows or dashed lines to show movement across the staff.
For now these will be implemented as follows:
1. The notes that cross the staff will still be placed in the (sub)spine cor…
When rz is used on the start of these tremolos for the sf, rests are added that are not in the music.
What should take the place of `g=original` when the line break is one that I have added and not in the original edition?
The edition that I am encoding from uses "dim." instead of "decresc." It would be much faster if I could encode these using the unbalanced `>` that causes VHV to render the text instead of the bracket…