I built an OpenAI Gym Environment on top of `sapai` that can be used for reinforcement learning. I thought I would link it here since most people here are probably interested in building ML/AI for Sup…
You might want to use an OpenAI gym environment (see https://github.com/MartinThoma/banana-gym for an extremely simple example). This would allow others to easily use your algorithm for other environm…
openAI gym is working in the pytorch image, but to actually run the atari environments, it fails due to lack of x11. What's the best way to get it to where we can see the environments. I tried addin…
I am using Reinforcement Learning with Artery and wanted to integrate veins-gym. Based on the example provided [here](https://github.com/ComNetsHH/omnetpp-ml/blob/main/docs/openai_gym.md), I…
This mainly a question. How difficult would it be to wrap this framework in a openai gym environment, so I could train a reinforcement learning agent to play this game ?
Does the framework support …
Thanks for sharing the algorithms. I am trying to implement the algorithm (e.g. AAC) with model in OpenAI Gym (e.g., Walker2d) while it meets some dimensional problem. I am curious about whethe…
Build an agent which plays [Breakout](https://gym.openai.com/envs/Breakout-v0/) well.
This issue tracks this work.
I'm trying to port an OpenAI Gym Environment and use coach for the learn on top.
The tutorial currently reads (emphasis mine):
Adding an Environment
Adding your custom environments to…
I am using gym 0.21.0 and stable baslines master 2.4.0a8.
The error i am facing is
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/aghnw/.conda/envs/RL-agent/mine-env-main/trainer_sac.py…
Hello everyone,
I am building a Kuka robot + a gripper from Righthand to use it for reinforcement learning for my master thesis. First it will be on simulation and then if I have time on the real r…