Please reply in this issue if you'd like to add your company on a member page or opentimestamps.org web site.
Note: A backlink to opentimestamps.org is required
At a minimum, in qubes-secpack, and eventually in most repos.
* https://petertodd.org/2016/opentimestamps-announcement
* https://github.com/opentimestamps/opentimestamps-client
* https://opentime…
OpenTimestamps improves verifiability if signing keys are later revoked.
If I remember correctly this is doable and I already discussed about that online.
Not in the original repository according to [opentimestamps-client/issues/created_by/Benjamin-Loison](https://githu…
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenTimestamps#cite_note-15
* https://bitcoinmagazine.com/articles/opentimestamps-has-timestamped-entire-internet-archive-heres-how/
* https://petertodd.org/2017/carb…
I'm working on a digital timestamping project, based on https://opentimestamps.org/. I would like to digitally timestamp each day's archived content on the Wayback Machine. The way I would do this is …
Considering the python and javascri…
https://opentimestamps.org/ is an interesting project that enables to create timestamp proofs.
The idea is it can hash a file (or git commit or whatever) and put hash to the blockchain.
Since bloc…
it's not well documented in the git integration document that `ots-git-gpg-wrapper.sh` should be installed from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/opentimestamps/opentimestamps-client/master/ots-git-gp…
Holding place for integrity backend config file
"organizations": [
"id": "starling-lab-test",
"collections": [