_A tentative summary of the [Aug 18 community meeting](https://gitter.im/hotosm/osm-analytics/archives/2016/08/18) on Gitter. Please add anything that I might have missed or any other idea in the comm…
For many years this has been a valuable tool for OSM statistics and now HOT will discontinue the service.
HOT Collect more than 10 MILLION Dollars yearly that allow them to run this service that ON…
* HOT OSM Analytics https://osm-analytics.org/#/
* [人口集中地区(DID)におけるOSMデータ格差](https://medium.com/furuhashilab/%E4%BA%BA%E5%8F%A3%E5%AF%86%E9%9B%86%E5%9C%B0%E3%81%AB%E3%81%8A%E3%81%91%E3%82%8Bosm%E3%83…
**Goal of the idea**
Create a site that serves as an entry point to OSM analytics tools from various organizations.
[Initial proposal](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QBUEXh51k2ZYKNbI4TlhmUCEE…
Something similar to what Gitter has by default.
See https://gitter.im/hotosm/osm-analytics as an example. Archives here https://gitter.im/hotosm/osm-analytics/archives/
Would be nice if we coul…
@mikelmaron Knows what this problem is. Below is some irc chat about it.
[mkl] but if you want to search for archived OSMTM jobs, you can not
[mkl] because OSMTM does not provide an endpoint yet tha…
At the edge of an AOI, some OSM data is not being shown in the OSM edit recency layer. These areas are also shown as poor in the completeness layer (unclear if they are related). Also unclear if these…
Measuring the quality of OSM data is something that has come up on several projects. A possible way of calculating this, is to do a simple feature count and run the error tool in JOSM on data captured…
Take a look at this
![osm analytics tool](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1018969/29776488-673aee2a-8c11-11e7-9675-3672804b0ca7.png)
Overlaying population density maps from other sources could help to identify under-mapped areas in OSM. We had discussed about this function during initial brainstorming of OSM Analytics, but the func…