I have a question regarding the outFilterMultimapNmax for paired-end reads.
I have simulated both single-end reads and paired-end reads, and I could see a high number of unmapped reads usin…
### Description of the bug
Dear All,
I launched the variant calling step using the ASCAT tool, but I received an error message that I did not understand. Could you please help me resolve this issu…
I have been using STAR with Illumina 101bp paired end reads. The first set of
libraries I sequenced work great going through the pipeline, but I have had a
very strange problem with the most rec…
I have been using STAR with Illumina 101bp paired end reads. The first set of
libraries I sequenced work great going through the pipeline, but I have had a
very strange problem with the most rec…
I have been using STAR with Illumina 101bp paired end reads. The first set of
libraries I sequenced work great going through the pipeline, but I have had a
very strange problem with the most rec…
I have been using STAR with Illumina 101bp paired end reads. The first set of
libraries I sequenced work great going through the pipeline, but I have had a
very strange problem with the most rec…
In instructions, you illustrate mapping SE reads.
Are SE required for pipeline?
I have tried mapping with PE reads and with these settings, and the two reads map to "different" locations, and so are…
Now, I got bam file used STAR 2.7.9a from paired fastq, and I use samtools flagstat for getting the information of BAM file (as below). Why total reads(5249979) does not equal with input reads from .L…
I have been trying to align my paired-end RNAseq data (TruSeq Stranded Total RNA) against GRCh38 reference genome from Ensembl (Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna_sm.primary_assembly.fa) using the corresp…
I am trying to align the reads from [SRR9640925](https://trace.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Traces/sra/?run=SRR9640925) to this [tick genome](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/assembly/GCF_013339745.2/). I generated a…