3.2.6 d: Discussions regarding the amount of the space between Kanji and alpha numeric characters.
The amount of inter-character spacing between Kanji and alpha numeric characters is specified as q…
QuarkXPress Project 10.1 and QuarkXPress Project 2015 in the latest release have identical signatures. Is that intentional?
investigate the "create a file format" concept cases from the keyword vocab - see https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-Oh9_SxIhfMAT6KNJrMf4LetCpy5s1fHZEyTL__TUVA/edit#gid=883102613
As for #18 ,…
The small f in the Regular font does not point to the letter f GID 476 Unicode 0066, but to GID 937. This is why this letter cannot be transformed into small cap GID 1241 base U 0066 but stays as a no…
I have one PDF file of a series which fails to load, with Scribus crashing:
scribus: /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/poppler-24.03.0/poppler/GfxState.cc:4913: void GfxGouraudTriangleShading::…
### Question / bug report
I bought a book from a french vendor and I got a `URLLink.acsm` file. I've been trying to import this book into Calibre.
Initially, I used Adobe ADE to import the book (thr…
Can this script be used with multi-page documents?
Suppose we have a letter that has two or more pages long...
I would like to use this to merge addresses with a multi-page self-mailin…
I have trained a EncoderDecoderModel from huggging face to do english-German translation task. I tried to overfit a small dataset (100 parallel sentences), and use `model.generate()` then `tokenizer.d…
I've opened a PR [Local Cyrillic #3](https://github.com/googlefonts/scada/pull/3) with the local Cyrillic forms for Bulgarian, Serbian, Macedonian. Please check it.
Make business cards for all officers based on the design docs provided by ACM.