ython3 -c "import sense_hat" fails because of missing RTMU / RTIMULib:
(RQB2) rasqberry@rasqberry-two:~ $ python3 -c "import sense_hat"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
It moved to https://github.com/RTIMULib/RTIMULib
Now it's vanished..... wtf
All his pages are gone it seems, twitter profile and all kinds of stuff is 404.
fatal error: RTIMULib.h: No that file or directory
I am using RTIMULib with PI 3 for MPU9250 but unable to read anything. When I run the below code, it says 'No IMU found'.
RTIMUSettings *settings = new RTIMUSettings("RTIMULib");
Copying the RTIMULib to the home folder requires access to the home folder, which in some cases, ie. running as root can become complex.
This should be a setting on load of the lib, to choose wheth…
I'm struggling to see why the orientation is handled the way it is for the MPU9250 (and similarly for the MPU9150), and have been getting unexpected outputs from the fusion with an offset on the z axi…
RTIMULib supports many cheap IMUs. RTIMULib would be a great addition to mrpt's limited set of supported IMU libraries because it would allow mrpt to support a significant number of IMUs.
It implemen…
Where do I have to put the file/ and or modify the code?
After calibrating either using RTQF or Kalman, covariance matrix is not generated. I have tried calibration both through RTIMULibCal and RTIMUDemoGL, and the RTIMULib.ini generated does not contain th…
Just as stated in the title, I have tried editing a copy of RTIMULib.ini (which is in my current working directory) and the values of the parameters in this file appear to have no effect on the SenseH…