I added sails-hook-sentry to my project and after that it works fine with the captureException method.
in the script https://github.com/listepo/sails-hook-sentry/blob/master/index.js#L40
there is …
**Node version**: 10.21.0
**Sails version** _(sails)_: 1.2.4
**ORM hook version** _(sails-hook-orm)_: 2.1.1
**Sockets hook version** _(sails-hook-sockets)_: not installed, although there are some l…
`"dependencies": {
"@sailshq/connect-redis": "^3.2.1",
"@sailshq/lodash": "^3.10.3",
"@sailshq/socket.io-redis": "^5.2.0",
"@sentry/node": "^5.6.1",
"amqplib": "^0.5.3",
I was very happy to have Sentry providing me with many interesting insights into errors.
One perticular insight however was still missing, the request url, method, body and headers. How am I able to …
On console when receiving an error (connection failure and such), the adapter sails-mysql print out the user + password and all the connection information such as database, host and port
**Node version**: 10.x
**Sails version** _(sails)_: 1.2.3
Getting error `option sameSite is invalid` while setting `sameSite:none` in response cookie options.
This is because sails is using `ex…
### Description
This group defined a number of [projects/goals for 2023](https://github.com/nodejs/package-maintenance/issues/550) & one of them was to create a new "statusboard" (similar to npm's …
Hey @mitchellkrogza are you using the latest @pyfunceble for testing?
This domain below is no longer active (HTTP code 410 Gone) and should and an special rule should have been applied to #PyFunceb…
To get help from the community, we encourage using Stack Overflow and the [`tensorflow.js`](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/tensorflow.js) tag.
#### TensorFlow.js version
I have tried s…
Since the last update the Container for Unraid spits out a lot of errors:
npm WARN tar ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/csmm-7dtd/CSMM/node_modules/.staging/ansi-regex-3d8306be/packag…