Hi want to verify if Kevin Shroff's Modded Realtek Audio Drivers will work for:
Hi, link [1] to paper at both places in the readme is not working. It ends up at github 404 page.
[1] https://github.com/curiousseikatsu/Ontology-Maintenance-with-MMD/blob/main
Can someone please explain [Escape](https://github.com/cladius/solution/tree/master/2021/Final/4%20Escape) problem?
I think the problem is vaguely defined here without giving clear cut example.
specifically, `cat` returns a `DimArray` but `;;` returns an `Array`:
julia> A
3×4×5 DimArray{Float64,3} with dimensions: X, Y, Z
[:, :, 1]
0.0933486 0.8736 0.52288 0.619605
I am writing this post to suggest a neat new feature that could be added to this module: the addition of variety through simple genetics.
Currently, plants in the SimpleFarming module have very fix…
` public static async void play(songItem trackToPlay, CancellationToken cancellationToken, CancellationToken pauseToken, CancellationToken resumeToken)
using (var audioFile = n…
Neuroglancer appears to be having difficulty decompressing a Zstd compressed dataset:
i am seeing the error:
Error, cmd: bash -c "set -euxo pipefail; cat /refbuild/GRCh37/starfusion/../annotation/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.gtf | egrep 'IG_V_gene|IG_C_gene|IG_D_gene|IG_J_gene' | awk '…
With the adoption of the new PV field format, there needs to be some policy on how to handle backward compatibility for existing screens/configuration files.