### TombEngine version
v1.5.0.2 (Latest Release)
### Tomb Editor version
### Describe the bug
Sophia-Leigh is behaving odd and the setup for her isnt clear. #969
# **OCB Refe…
The data widget should reflect number of inscriptions of type text, figure and composite out of currently shown surfaces.
Scenario: The data widget shows that there 395 shown and 0 hidden surfaces.…
It looks like the RFC separates out Update from Query.
Is it possible to integrate that into `sophia_api`?
Are there no other autonomous AIs?
![Sis Peek 1](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/86878362/124473288-77f7ad80-dde2-11eb-8bf3-1ce54857d9b1.png)
In bigquery, timestamp is implicitly set to UTC.
WITH finishers AS
(SELECT 'Sophia Liu' as name,
TIMESTAMP '2016-10-18 2:51:45' as finish_time,
currently discretizing the SOPHIA code, aiming to fix the saturation of the PhotoPionProduction beyond 8 cores.
## Done Condition (What do we need? Why do we need it? Keep this is small as possible!)
Add manual checks here (https://mskconfluence.mskcc.org/pages/viewpage.action?spaceKey=CDSI&title=Sophia+Genetic…
**Feature Name:** Suggestions page data aggregation
This feature will take the wardrobe items used in suggestions and create suggested outfits with them. Users can indicate if t…