**What feature or change would you like to see made?**
Spine Labeling:
Spine label added to the sagitt…
like this one: https://github.com/Awedtan/HellaAssets/tree/main/spine/operator/build/char_4014_lunacu
拖入一个spine保存一张图片,但是默认都是save.png,每次都要手动复制spine文件名进去,如果几百上千个pine 一个个复制文件名再粘贴保存图片那太麻烦了
抱歉我说的是 Spine Viewer-vue 但是我发错版块了…
Hey, pixiObject becomes uninteractable after being added to the slot using `animation.addSlotObject(slotName, pixiObject);`.
The reason for this is that you set `container.includeInBuild = false;` he…
After latest godot commits the spine runtime fails to build as an engine module, it always worked before. The error is as follows:
`[ 40%] Compiling modules\spine_godot\SpineIkConstraint.cpp ...
_At certain cases*_ `validateRenderable` and/or `updateRenderable ` methods of `SpinePipe.ts` seem to be called before `addRenderable`.
This means `this.gpuSpineData[spine.uid]` is undefined there,…
The package structure for the dependency objects we use instead of Gradle Version Catalog is mouthful, e.g., `io.spine.internal.dependencies.spine.Spine`. We still have not decided on [migrating to Ve…
DaSSCo digitization using the standalone app requires a readily available list of taxonomic names that is both based on the catalogue of life and any names already in Specify that are not (yet) part o…
### Intro
I am a student, I use MuJoCo for my research on RL.
### My setup
mujoco version: 3.2.5
python api
64 bit
Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS
RTX 2060 super, 8GB @ 2010 MHz
### What's…
## 背景
过去的 Spine-runtime API 存在多个版本(SpineAnimation, SpineRenderer),杂乱且不统一。在 1.3 里程碑中,对 API 进行了初步的整合与优化。然而,当前的 API 距离最终版本仍有差距,尚需进一步的审视与优化,以确保在未来能够更好地满足开发者的需求,提供更优的开发体验。
## 整体 API 调研
为确保新的 Spine…