**Is your request related to a specific disease? Please describe.**
'common cold' (DOID:10459) and 'scarlet fever' (DOID:8596) are not properly classified in the infectious disease branch (should be …
We use Kraken (now kraken2) for a lot of our analysis, and it would be great if there was a way to read kraken2 data in to kronatools. There probably is a way to do it using ktImportText, but I can't …
Dear INNUCA team,
Is it possible to run INNUCA for other species than the one listed in the below modules?
Extrapolated from common sequencing targets from the SRA, and sequences that returned false positives during initial database screenings:
- Human genome - integration sites: https://hgdownload.soe.…
I download MLST database by `download_mlst_databases` and make `export MLST_DATABASES=/export/data/user/MLSTdb`
(base) [user@bigmem01 STRP-2020]$ get_sequence_type -a
Achromobacter spp
I was reviewing the MaltExtract outputs and noticed that results for specific organisms (listed below) are missing:
- Achromobacter denitrificans
- Bacteroides vulgatus
- Citrobacter koseri
- En…
Hello, I am running AMRFinderPlus on a large dataset that includes some _Burkholderia mallei_ samples. I specified `--organism Burkholderia_mallei` for these samples, assuming the supported species we…
@TwistedSwisster kindly passed on the original reports from COADD that he and @AlvaroLor used to form the origin of this series. I've uploaded them [here](https://github.com/opensourceantibiotics/Seri…
I was trying to test CRIPRSdisco on known data from crisprdb ["Streptococcus pyogenes A20"](https://crispr.i2bc.paris-saclay.fr/crispr/crispr_db.php?checked%5B%5D=NC_018936)
So I've downloaded NC_018…
Add profile for basic analysis of Streptococcus pyogenes.
This is is of lower prio than the other organisms in #291, #302 & #303, but still something that has been asked for.