Hello, I am a student in my second year of study at Chang'an University, I read your paper “Graph-Based Spatial-Temporal Convolutional Network for Vehicle Trajectory Prediction in Autonomous Driving” …
1.(HMMR) Learning 3d human dynamics from video(2019)
temporal encoder: **1D temporal** convolutional layers, **precompute** the image features on each frame, get current and ±∆t frames prediction.
Thanks for sharing this work. I noticed that in ResidualTCN, the data isn't being masked.
which is common…
As we talked before about adding Spatio-Temporal GNN models to PyG. I suggest papers that I mentioned below for start. Please take a look at them.
1-[Structured Sequence Modeling with Gr…
1.TexturePose: Supervising Human Mesh Estimation with Texture Consistency(2019)
Texture map (texel): A corresponding UVmap un-warps the template surface onto an image, A, which is the texture map
**Project Name:**
Quantum Temporal Convolutional Networks and Their Application to Weather Forecasting
**Team Name:**
**Which challenges would you like to submit your project for?**
Like the MLP autoregressive model but using temporal convolutions proposed in Temporal Convolutional Networks (TCN).
# 0. 論文情報・リンク
公開日時:Submitted on 31 May 2018
Publication : arxiv
# 1. どんなもの?
# 2. 先行研究と比べてどこがすごいの?
# 3. 技術や手法の"キモ"はどこにある?
# 4. どうやって有効だと検…
### Title
Hypergraph Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network
### URL
### Summary
The paper by Jaehyuk Yi and Jinkyoo Park introduces a hypergraph co…
Hi, This is great work!
I also found your paper " **ST-ABC: Spatio-Temporal Attention-Based Convolutional Network for Multi-Scale Lane-Level Traffic Prediction** "which was accepted by ICDE24. This …