Once we have our feature vectors, we want to generate TSNE plots for all our samples. We will look into 2 types of plots:
1. TSNE plot across all samples.
2. TSNE plots after isolating on breast d…
How to visualize classification tasks? For example, visualizing TSNE or confusion matrices. I found that there is a **test_tsne** function in **runner_finetune.py**, but it doesn't seem to be called?
I have informed @airenzp and shared session files for the following errors I am seeing:
1) **in filter tab** - filter currently allows a user to extend below and above the range limits
2) when di…
I found that package `github.com/danaugrs/go-tsne/tsne` is placed in module `github.com/danaugrs/go-tsne/tsne`.
However, it seems that module `github.com/danaugrs/go-tsne/tsne` is not tagged. Accord…
Hi, I wanted to further issue #210 and cloned the repository. The only thing I managed to do was building the package with `pip install .` as suggested in the readme.
What I would like to do is:
Create a component to host visualizations of embeddings stored in the Weaviate vector database utilizing [INDEX API](https://github.com/SCAI-BIO/index/blob/main/api/routes.py#L92).
### Model Name
Chemical space 2D projections against ChemDiv
### Model Description
This tool performs PCA, UMAP and tSNE projections taking a 100k ChemDiv diversity set as a chemical space of refer…
### Model Name
Projections against Coconut
### Model Description
This tool performs PCA, UMAP and tSNE projections taking the Coconut natural products database as a chemical space of reference. The…
I am curious about the tSNE output result corresponding to Figure 2 in this paper. The dimensions of the trained prompt component are (3,16,320,16,16). How many points per class are included in tSNE? …
This has been posted in the Google groups also (https://groups.google.com/a/continuum.io/forum/#!mydiscussions/bokeh/I5X72OPYlE0) but it was suggested it gets posted here too.
I am trying to create a…