Dear developer,
We would like to perform TWAS analysis on a plant population. Our data consists of phenotypes, whole-genome gene expression levels, and genotypes for each sample.
We do not have …
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I'm working with TWAS-GSEA and encountering some challenges with gene identifier handling (specifically ENSG IDs).
For example, I have a twas results file created with usi…
opain updated
1 month ago
Can gapit be used for TWAS?
Dear developer,
We would like to perform TWAS analysis on a plant population. Our data consists of phenotypes, whole-genome gene expression levels, and genotypes for each sample.
We do not have …
Dear Team,
I notice that Transcriptome-wide association studies (TWAS) is not included in the project. I am wondering is there any scientific concern that TWAS is excluded?
when use code to liftover to hg38,
here is my code:
python /public/home/qihangm/sp.twas/summary-gwas-imputation-master/src/gwas_parsing.py \
-gwas_file /public/home/qihangm/sp.twas/gwas/cp/finnge…
(ldsc) python munge_sumstats.py \
> --sumstats /mnt/ndisk1/Student/zhouyi/GWAS_tools/TWAS/data/wellbeing_sum/WBresults.txt \
> --N 491455 \
> --signed-sumstats beta,0 \
> --snp snpid \
> --out SW…
I am currently attempting to apply the SUMMIT method for TWAS analysis.
While studying the software source code, I noticed that in 'step2_pos.R’, on line 271, the p-value is calculated by divi…
Document: Thread pool tuning
"However, in rare cases, you might need to explicitly configure an executor element and adjust the coreThread…