Having issue, when I import unity project, and follow the guide to also add the IK and Dynamic bone libraries, the avatar descriptor is not loaded in, IK manager also now showing in the scrips
Hello, your re-implementation of the sims 2 in unity is really impressive.
I'm currently looking for a way to transfer animations from The Sims 2 to Blender.
I've downloaded the OpenTS2 Unity projec…
# [Unity] 캐릭터에 Foot IK 적용하기 | Night's Devlog
Unity Animator에서 지원하는 IK 기능을 사용했습니다.
To use the arms, we are going to need some kind of Inverse Kinematics Solver. Currently, we are using the Lula IK Solver in Isaac Sim. Other options include MoveIt2 with ROS2, or implementing our own …
Opinion time: Animating mech movement with Forward Kinematics (defining joint angles one by one) is difficult to get right and tedious to troubleshoot. It is a massive hurdle that keeps many players f…
Asnro updated
1 month ago
Would be really nice if we could test our avatars in unity with an IK similar to the one vrchat does and in VR so you can easily adjust avatar proportions and whatnot
Add Unity's official [Animation Rigging package](https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.animation.rigging@1.0/manual/index.html)
[Unity IK animation tips 1](https://medium.com/nerd-for-tech/tip-o…
On Linux, we are able to send ROS Messages out of OVIS and Unity. We would like to use these to control the gripper.
### For?
### What can't you do?
Currently IK chains use the first bone to choose which direction it's facing, this is pretty bad because if you think of your leg (strongest IK user), th…
Can we use the Animation Rigging unitry package?