Trying 0.3.0-alpha2 on both Arm v7 Appimage and the x64 RPM I get the same issue.
Spends more than 10 minutes searching then goes to a white screen. The menu bar still appears and seems to be worki…
# Trending repositories for C#
1. [**hellzerg / optimizer**](https://github.com/hellzerg/optimizer)
__The finest Windows Optimizer__
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Certain events, like the mouse leaving the browser window, can only be captured on the `window`, see [here](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5418740/jquery-mouseup-outside-window-possible#answers)
somehow broken...
I am trying to integrate my system with ConnectWise ticketing system. I would like to use this SDK to connect to get the job done, but I can't seem to find document that will help me.
where can I fin…
**Describe the project you are working on:**
Plugins and a mobile app that uses .NET.
**Describe the problem or limitation you are having in your project:**
Using non-C# .NET languages in Godot i…
Perhaps this is trivial but I think having an available logo for Web Components would be helpful for developers who want to reference Web Components on websites, in documentation, etc.
For example …
It would be cool to access all the "Movie Search" info in an AJAX API way,
for example:
* Initializing the object with your Zip code + Country or from an address
(using geolocalization from maps?…
It would be cool to access all the "Movie Search" info in an AJAX API way,
for example:
* Initializing the object with your Zip code + Country or from an address
(using geolocalization from maps?…
It would be cool to access all the "Movie Search" info in an AJAX API way,
for example:
* Initializing the object with your Zip code + Country or from an address
(using geolocalization from maps?…