Create routines and tasks to apply a pre-trained classifier in text fields in order to predict relevant sustainable UNSDG labels.
- [x] Create S3 bucket for data and model
- [x] Create f…
According to [the IATI codelist](http://reference.iatistandard.org/203/codelists/UNSDG-Goals/), this lives here:
According to [the IATI codelist](http://reference.iatistandard.org/203/codelists/UNSDG-Targets/), this lives here:
When I am ingesting data from [TDC data sources](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1L-Xsql6DZPAz-9HzmvLB6ct_MH7aA9fd/edit?gid=1950324098#gid=1950324098) into the data portal, I want to integrate …
To help users discover activities that relate to the SDGs, please include a drop down in the filters that lists the SDG Goals:
On working with the API endpoint `https://www.geoboundaries.org/api/current/gbOpen/` I found that the API response provides invalid urls.
See, as an example, the request https://www.geobound…
I would like to add some clarity her by introducing a few more parameters.
“Projects collecting, processing, storing or distributing data must identify and list, the data they include. Or (…identify…
Idea on promoting UNSDG further.
Filter default listings to the top based on contribution to SDG Goal
Several GeoJSONs from v4 data are broken: JPN_ADM0, NOR_ADM0, NZL_ADM0, PHL_ADM1
Seems to be tied to the format of the MultiPolygon geometries - I believe the Polygons within the MultiPolygon in th…
Grouping/historical data issue in v7.77 found by Mark Meziere on 10/14/21
Comparing three Latin America and Caribbean groups and getting three wildly different results for historical data. UNICEF a…