AaltoVision / ADVIO

An Authentic Dataset for Visual-Inertial Odometry
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benchmarking computer-vision navigation visual-inertial-odometry

DOI 10.5281/zenodo.1320824

ADVIO: An Authentic Dataset for Visual-Inertial Odometry

Santiago Cortés · Arno Solin · Esa Rahtu · Juho Kannala

The lack of realistic and open benchmarking datasets for pedestrian visual-inertial odometry has made it hard to pinpoint differences in published methods. Existing datasets either lack a full six degree-of-freedom ground-truth or are limited to small spaces with optical tracking systems. We take advantage of advances in pure inertial navigation, and develop a set of versatile and challenging real-world computer vision benchmark sets for visual-inertial odometry. For this purpose, we have built a test rig equipped with an iPhone, a Google Pixel Android phone, and a Google Tango device. We provide a wide range of raw sensor data that is accessible on almost any modern-day smartphone together with a high-quality ground-truth track. We also compare resulting visual-inertial tracks from Google Tango, ARCore, and Apple ARKit with two recent methods published in academic forums. The data sets cover both indoor and outdoor cases, with stairs, escalators, elevators, office environments, a shopping mall, and metro station.

Example video

This video shows the ground-truth track for data set #16 (captured in one of the two office buildings). The visualized track is the ground-truth track calculated from the entire IMU data sequence. The fix points used for track calculation are visualized by dots. The track on the current floor shows in red. The video has been sped-up.

ADVIO Dataset 16


If you use this data, please cite the original paper presenting it:

Downloading the data

The data files are available for download on Zenodo: https://zenodo.org/record/1320824 and can be downloaded on a per dataset basis from there. You can also use wget with the following bash snippet to fetch all the data:

# Download all 23 data ZIPs from Zenodo
for i in $(seq -f "%02g" 1 23);
  wget -O advio-$i.zip https://zenodo.org/record/1476931/files/advio-$i.zip

The size of one set ranges from 71 Mb to 255 Mb (packed). Uncompressed total size around 5.1 Gb.

Details on collected data






List of data sets

The following table summarizes the features of the 23 data sets:

Id Venue Dataset In/Out Stairs Escalator Elevator People Vehicles
1 Mall 01 Indoor Moderate
2 Mall 02 Indoor Moderate
3 Mall 03 Indoor Moderate
4 Mall 04 Indoor Moderate
5 Mall 05 Indoor Moderate
6 Mall 06 Indoor High
7 Mall 07 Indoor Low
8 Mall 08 Indoor Low
9 Mall 09 Indoor Low
10 Mall 10 Indoor Low
11 Metro 01 Indoor High
12 Metro 02 Indoor High
13 Office 01 Indoor Low
14 Office 02 Indoor Low
15 Office 03 Indoor None
16 Office 04 Indoor None
17 Office 05 Indoor None
18 Office 06 Indoor None
19 Office 07 Indoor None
20 Outdoor 01 Outdoor Low
21 Outdoor 02 Outdoor Low
22 Outdoor (urban) 01 Outdoor High
23 Outdoor (urban) 02 Outdoor High

Data structure

To maximize compatibility, all data is published in open and simple file formats. The comma separated value (CSV) files hold a timestamp in the first column and the respective data in the columns that follow. All time stamps are synchronized between sensor types and devices. Camera frames are stored as H.264/MPEG video and the associated frame time stamps are available in separate CSV files.

The folder structure for one data set looks like the following:

│   └───ground-truth
│   │     poses.csv
│   │     fixpoints.csv
│   └───iphone
│   │     frames.mov
│   │     frames.csv
│   │     platform-location.csv
│   │     accelerometer.csv
│   │     gyroscope.csv
│   │     magnetometer.csv
│   │     barometer.csv
│   │     arkit.csv
│   └───tango
│   │     frames.mov
│   │     frames.csv
│   │     raw.csv
│   │     area-learning.csv
│   │     point-cloud.csv
│   │     point-cloud-001.csv
│   │     point-cloud-002.csv
│   │     ...
│   └───pixel
│         arcore.csv


This data is collected in public places in Finland, and the collection of the data agrees with the local legislation. We, however, take your privacy seriously. If you find yourself in the data and wish to be removed, please contact us through the contact information provided at the top of this page.


The ADVIO data is published under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 (CC BY-NC 4.0) Licence. This means that you must attribute the work in the manner specified by the authors and you may not use this work for commercial purposes.