AirenSoft / OvenPlayer

OvenPlayer is JavaScript-based LLHLS and WebRTC Player for OvenMediaEngine.
MIT License
496 stars 123 forks source link
hls html5 html5-player javascript javascript-player lldash llhls low-latency-dash low-latency-hls low-latency-http mpeg-dash ovenmediaengine ovenplayer streaming sub-second-latency-streaming webrtc


What is OvenPlayer?

OvenPlayer is a JavaScript-based Player that can play Low Latency HLS (LLHLS) and WebRTC streams optimized for OvenMediaEngine. It provides various APIs, so you can build and operate your media service more easily.


OvenSpace is a sub-second latency streaming demo service using OvenMediaEngine, OvenPlayer and OvenLiveKit. You can experience OvenPlayer in the OvenSpace Demo and see examples of applying in OvenSpace Repository.


Quick Start

Please read the Quick Start.

OvenPlayer Demo

API and Configuration

Start the Demo and see API and Configuration for more details.

Build the source code

Check out Build section how to create ovenplayer.js for deployment or development after modifying the source code.

How to contribute

We appreciate your interest in OvenPlayer.

We need your help to keep and develop our open-source project, and we want to tell you that you can contribute in many ways. Please read our Guidelines, Rules, and Contribute.

We always hope that OvenPlayer will make your project a success.

For more information


OvenPlayer is licensed under the MIT license.

About AirenSoft

AirenSoft aims to make it easier for you to build a stable broadcasting/streaming service with Sub-Second Latency. Therefore, we will continue developing and providing the most optimized tools for smooth Sub-Second Latency Streaming.

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