[Innkeeper] discord bot
The bot is currently a Level 1 bot.
Discussing dev happens on the Nanami Discord here
Implemented right now :
These are planned features, for now none are implemented (see issues)
yarn install
Create a data/config.json
file with the following JSON structure :
"token": "bot token here",
"prefix": "!",
"ownerID": "your discord ID"
Prefix is not used yet, and might not be used if we require slash commands.
Add a role to yourself.
Aliases: r
, role
, assign
Example: !roleadd Overwatch
Remove a role from yourself.
Aliases: unassign
Example: !roleremove Overwatch
List all roles available to join or leave.
Add a new role to the list of auto assignable roles.
Aliases: register
Example: !roleregister Left4Dead
Remove role from the auto assignable list
Aliases: unregister
Example: !roleunregister Left4Dead
Display your current money. If sent in a DM, will display the money you have on each server y ou and Erin have in common.
Aliases: m
Ask Erin to remind you of something for later
can either be a date, like 2021-06-05 12:01
or a number and unit. Like, to get reminded in 2 weeks, use 2w
. Valid time units are d, M, w, y, h, m, s.
Aliases: reminder
, remindme
Example: !remind 2h Go water the Faerie Flowers
List your reminders with their IDs.
Make Erin forget a reminder you previously set.
Aliases: forget
, delreminder
Example: !forgetreminder 26
Display the top 15 people on the server
Aliases: lvl
Display your level and class, as well as XP and messages
Set your own class to whatever you'd like.
Aliases: sc
, class
Example: !setClass Innkeeper