CEGRcode / plotter

Visualization tool to plot composites at reference points & regions of interest
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bioinformatics nodejs react visualization


Plotter is a web application made for plotting genomic data.

Getting started

Open index.html in a web browser (mostly tested in Safari).


Click "Add entry" in the Composite metadata table to initialize a composite.


Load composite files into the Composite settings table to plot.


If you load multiple files to a single composite, the resulting composite will be the sum of the components.

Final result (from example_config.json): final_result

Data format

Loaded composite files should be the format of the composite output of ScriptManager's tag pileup tool. The file name should start with the sample identifier, followed by an underscore.


Plotting parameters

Plotter allows you to change the following parameters:

Metadata table

The metadata table allows the user to keep track of the metadata for each composite. This table is linked to the Composite settings table.

Download SVG graphic

To save a plot as an SVG graphic, click "Download as SVG" to the right of the plot.

Saved sessions

Plotter can save and load sessions. This allows you to save your work and come back to it later. To save a session, click "Export JSON" near the top left of the page. To load a session, click "Import JSON" near the top left of the page and select a JSON file.


Standard parameters (meant to emulate Mittal et al. 2022):