A LaTeX toolkit for writing thesis and dissertations at COPPE/UFRJ
GNU General Public License v3.0
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coppe latex thesis ufrj


This project provides a LaTeX document class suitable for writing academic dissertations and thesis according to the formatting rules established by the Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute for Graduate Studies and Research in Engineering (COPPE/UFRJ).

The 'coppe' class contains a minimalist set of macro commands which allows its users to create the required textual elements following the COPPE/UFRJ dissertation/thesis guidelines. Among these elements, there are a front cover, a title page, cataloging details, native and foreign languages abstracts, table of contents, and list of bibliographic references.

Although it is tied to the COPPE/UFRJ guidelines, it can be easily ported to other institutions.

This version follows the document:

Norma para a Elaboração Gráfica de Teses/Dissertações COPPE/UFRJ Aprovada pela CPGP em 15 de julho de 2008 Com correção no Anexo III, páginas 19 e 20, em 01/10/2009 (Revisada em 10/09/2010) (Revisada em 26/11/2019 – Alteração da Folha Aprovação, Anexo III, páginas 22 e 23)

How Much

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.


The development of this class follows the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN) standards. It is basically composed by an installation file ('coppe.ins') and the main source file ('coppe.dtx'). The full sources contain:

  1. COPYING: full text of the GNU General Policy License version 3.

  2. Makefile: used to extract the coppe class and build the documentation and a sample thesis.

  3. describe the CoppeTeX package.

  4. coppe-{plain,unsrt}.bst: alphabetically sorted and unsorted numbered BibTeX styles, Natbib compatible.

  5. coppe.dtx: main source file; contains the documentation, a sample thesis and a Makeindex style.

  6. coppe.ins: used to strip out the coppe document class from `coppe.dtx'.

  7. coppe-logo.[eps,pdf]: images included in the front cover.

  8. example.bib: sample BibTeX database for being used by example.tex.

Our release packages contain the following files:

  1. COPYING: full text of the GNU General Policy License version 3.

  2. describe the CoppeTeX package.

  3. coppe.cls: the main file. It is a LaTeX document class.

  4. coppe-{plain,unsrt}.bst: alphabetically sorted and unsorted numbered BibTeX styles, Natbib compatible.

  5. Makeindex style for creating lists of symbols and abbreviations.

  6. coppe.pdf: CoppeTeX documentation.

  7. example.{tex,bib}: sample thesis using coppe class.

  8. coppe-logo.[eps, pdf]: images included in the front cover.


If you have some experience with LaTeX classes and packages, you won't have any difficulty when installing CoppeTeX. It should be installed as any other LaTeX package you have ever used. So, you can save your time skipping this section.

The impatient user should get a thesis template here.

For the enthusiastic newbies, we give here succinct instructions for installing the CoppeTeX bundle.

There exist two possible ways of obtaining CoppeTeX. You can download a release or the sources. Each of these has its own installation method. We describe both in the following sections.

From releases

Suppose TEXMF is a variable which stores the path of your local LaTeX tree. Then you should copy the files coppe.cls, and coppe-unsrt.bst to $TEXMF/tex/latex/coppe, $TEXMF/makeindex/coppe and $TEXMF/bibtex/bst/coppe, respectively. The image files minerva.eps and minerva.pdf go into the same directory as coppe.cls. In the end, you have to type 'texhash' to update your LaTeX tree and to make CoppeTeX visible to your LaTeX compiler.

From sources

For installing from sources, type:

  latex coppe.ins

and you will get all the files you need. They are all stripped out from coppe.dtx. Now, you should follow the instructions in the 'From releases' section.

Help & Support

Please, send any comments, suggestions, questions and bugs to our mailing list.