Cap-go / capacitor-updater

Instant updates for Capacitor Ship updates, fixes, changes, and features within minutes
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Capacitor updater

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➡️ Get Instant updates for your App with Capgo 🚀

Fix your annoying bug now, Hire a Capacitor expert 💪

Update Ionic Capacitor apps without App/Play Store review (Code-push / hot-code updates).

You have 3 ways possible :


Join the discord to get help.


I maintain a more user-friendly and complete documentation here.


Plugin version Capacitor compatibility Maintained
v6.*.* v6.*.*
v5.*.* v5.*.* Critical bug only
v4.*.* v4.*.* ⚠️ Deprecated
v3.*.* v3.*.* ⚠️ Deprecated
> 7 v4.*.* ⚠️ Deprecated, our CI got crazy and bumped too much version


Privacy manifest

Add the NSPrivacyAccessedAPICategoryUserDefaults dictionary key to your Privacy Manifest (usually ios/App/PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
      <!-- Add this dict entry to the array if the file already exists. -->

We recommend to declare CA92.1 as the reason for accessing the UserDefaults API.


npm install @capgo/capacitor-updater
npx cap sync

Auto-update setup

Create your account in and get your API key

For detailed instructions on the auto-update setup, refer to the Auto update documentation.

Manual setup

Download update distribution zipfiles from a custom URL. Manually control the entire update process.

TIP: If you prefer a secure and automated way to update your app, you can use []( - a full-featured, auto-update system.

### Store Guideline Compliance

Android Google Play and iOS App Store have corresponding guidelines that have rules you should be aware of before integrating the Capacitor-updater solution within your application.

#### Google play

Third paragraph of [Device and Network Abuse]( topic describe that updating source code by any method besides Google Play's update mechanism is restricted. But this restriction does not apply to updating JavaScript bundles.
> This restriction does not apply to code that runs in a virtual machine and has limited access to Android APIs (such as JavaScript in a web view or browser).

That fully allow Capacitor-updater as it updates just JS bundles and can't update native code part.

#### App Store

Paragraph **3.3.2**, since back in 2015's [Apple Developer Program License Agreement]( fully allowed performing over-the-air updates of JavaScript and assets.

And in its latest version (20170605) [downloadable here]( this ruling is even broader:

> Interpreted code may be downloaded to an Application, but only so long as such code:
- (a) does not change the primary purpose of the Application by providing features or functionality that are inconsistent with the intended and advertised purpose of the Application as submitted to the App Store
- (b) does not create a store or storefront for other code or applications
- (c) does not bypass signing, sandbox, or other security features of the OS.

Capacitor-updater allows you to respect these rules in full compliance, so long as the update you push does not significantly deviate your product from its original App Store approved intent.

To further remain in compliance with Apple's guidelines, we suggest that App Store-distributed apps don't enable the `Force update` scenario, since in the [App Store Review Guidelines]( it is written that:

> Apps must not force users to rate the app, review the app, download other apps, or other similar actions to access functionality, content, or use of the app.

This is not a problem for the default behavior of background update, since it won't force the user to apply the new version until the next app close, but at least you should be aware of that ruling if you decide to show it.

### Packaging `` update bundles

Capacitor Updater works by unzipping a compiled app bundle to the native device filesystem. Whatever you choose to name the file you upload/download from your release/update server URL (via either manual or automatic updating), this `.zip` bundle must meet the following requirements:

- The zip file should contain the full contents of your production Capacitor build output folder, usually `{project directory}/dist/` or `{project directory}/www/`. This is where `index.html` will be located, and it should also contain all bundled JavaScript, CSS, and web resources necessary for your app to run.
- Do not password encrypt the bundle zip file, or it will fail to unpack.
- Make sure the bundle does not contain any extra hidden files or folders, or it may fail to unpack.

## Updater Plugin Config

<!--Update the source file JSDoc comments and rerun docgen to update the docs below-->

CapacitorUpdater can be configured with these options:

| Prop                     | Type                 | Description                                                                                                                                                                                     | Default                                    | Since   |
| ------------------------ | -------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------ | ------- |
| **`appReadyTimeout`**    | <code>number</code>  | Configure the number of milliseconds the native plugin should wait before considering an update 'failed'. Only available for Android and iOS.                                                   | <code>10000 // (10 seconds)</code>         |         |
| **`responseTimeout`**    | <code>number</code>  | Configure the number of milliseconds the native plugin should wait before considering API timeout. Only available for Android and iOS.                                                          | <code>20 // (20 second)</code>             |         |
| **`autoDeleteFailed`**   | <code>boolean</code> | Configure whether the plugin should use automatically delete failed bundles. Only available for Android and iOS.                                                                                | <code>true</code>                          |         |
| **`autoDeletePrevious`** | <code>boolean</code> | Configure whether the plugin should use automatically delete previous bundles after a successful update. Only available for Android and iOS.                                                    | <code>true</code>                          |         |
| **`autoUpdate`**         | <code>boolean</code> | Configure whether the plugin should use Auto Update via an update server. Only available for Android and iOS.                                                                                   | <code>true</code>                          |         |
| **`resetWhenUpdate`**    | <code>boolean</code> | Automatically delete previous downloaded bundles when a newer native app bundle is installed to the device. Only available for Android and iOS.                                                 | <code>true</code>                          |         |
| **`updateUrl`**          | <code>string</code>  | Configure the URL / endpoint to which update checks are sent. Only available for Android and iOS.                                                                                               | <code></code> |         |
| **`statsUrl`**           | <code>string</code>  | Configure the URL / endpoint to which update statistics are sent. Only available for Android and iOS. Set to "" to disable stats reporting.                                                     | <code></code>   |         |
| **`privateKey`**         | <code>string</code>  | Configure the private key for end to end live update encryption. Only available for Android and iOS.                                                                                            | <code>undefined</code>                     |         |
| **`version`**            | <code>string</code>  | Configure the current version of the app. This will be used for the first update request. If not set, the plugin will get the version from the native code. Only available for Android and iOS. | <code>undefined</code>                     | 4.17.48 |
| **`directUpdate`**       | <code>boolean</code> | Make the plugin direct install the update when the app what just updated/installed. Only for autoUpdate mode. Only available for Android and iOS.                                               | <code>undefined</code>                     | 5.1.0   |
| **`periodCheckDelay`**   | <code>number</code>  | Configure the delay period for period update check. the unit is in seconds. Only available for Android and iOS. Cannot be less than 600 seconds (10 minutes).                                   | <code>600 // (10 minutes)</code>           |         |
| **`localS3`**            | <code>boolean</code> | Configure the CLI to use a local server for testing or self-hosted update server.                                                                                                               | <code>undefined</code>                     | 4.17.48 |
| **`localHost`**          | <code>string</code>  | Configure the CLI to use a local server for testing or self-hosted update server.                                                                                                               | <code>undefined</code>                     | 4.17.48 |
| **`localWebHost`**       | <code>string</code>  | Configure the CLI to use a local server for testing or self-hosted update server.                                                                                                               | <code>undefined</code>                     | 4.17.48 |
| **`localSupa`**          | <code>string</code>  | Configure the CLI to use a local server for testing or self-hosted update server.                                                                                                               | <code>undefined</code>                     | 4.17.48 |
| **`localSupaAnon`**      | <code>string</code>  | Configure the CLI to use a local server for testing.                                                                                                                                            | <code>undefined</code>                     | 4.17.48 |
| **`allowModifyUrl`**     | <code>boolean</code> | Allow the plugin to modify the updateUrl, statsUrl and channelUrl dynamically from the JavaScript side.                                                                                         | <code>false</code>                         | 5.4.0   |
| **`defaultChannel`**     | <code>string</code>  | Set the default channel for the app in the config.                                                                                                                                              | <code>undefined</code>                     | 5.5.0   |

### Examples

In `capacitor.config.json`:

  "plugins": {
    "CapacitorUpdater": {
      "appReadyTimeout": 1000 // (1 second),
      "responseTimeout": 10 // (10 second),
      "autoDeleteFailed": false,
      "autoDeletePrevious": false,
      "autoUpdate": false,
      "resetWhenUpdate": false,
      "privateKey": undefined,
      "version": undefined,
      "directUpdate": undefined,
      "periodCheckDelay": undefined,
      "localS3": undefined,
      "localHost": undefined,
      "localWebHost": undefined,
      "localSupa": undefined,
      "localSupaAnon": undefined,
      "allowModifyUrl": undefined,
      "defaultChannel": undefined

In capacitor.config.ts:

/// <reference types="@capgo/capacitor-updater" />

import { CapacitorConfig } from '@capacitor/cli';

const config: CapacitorConfig = {
  plugins: {
    CapacitorUpdater: {
      appReadyTimeout: 1000 // (1 second),
      responseTimeout: 10 // (10 second),
      autoDeleteFailed: false,
      autoDeletePrevious: false,
      autoUpdate: false,
      resetWhenUpdate: false,
      privateKey: undefined,
      version: undefined,
      directUpdate: undefined,
      periodCheckDelay: undefined,
      localS3: undefined,
      localHost: undefined,
      localWebHost: undefined,
      localSupa: undefined,
      localSupaAnon: undefined,
      allowModifyUrl: undefined,
      defaultChannel: undefined,

export default config;


* [`notifyAppReady()`](#notifyappready) * [`setUpdateUrl(...)`](#setupdateurl) * [`setStatsUrl(...)`](#setstatsurl) * [`setChannelUrl(...)`](#setchannelurl) * [`download(...)`](#download) * [`next(...)`](#next) * [`set(...)`](#set) * [`delete(...)`](#delete) * [`list()`](#list) * [`reset(...)`](#reset) * [`current()`](#current) * [`reload()`](#reload) * [`setMultiDelay(...)`](#setmultidelay) * [`cancelDelay()`](#canceldelay) * [`getLatest()`](#getlatest) * [`setChannel(...)`](#setchannel) * [`unsetChannel(...)`](#unsetchannel) * [`getChannel()`](#getchannel) * [`setCustomId(...)`](#setcustomid) * [`getBuiltinVersion()`](#getbuiltinversion) * [`getDeviceId()`](#getdeviceid) * [`getPluginVersion()`](#getpluginversion) * [`isAutoUpdateEnabled()`](#isautoupdateenabled) * [`removeAllListeners()`](#removealllisteners) * [`addListener('download', ...)`](#addlistenerdownload-) * [`addListener('noNeedUpdate', ...)`](#addlistenernoneedupdate-) * [`addListener('updateAvailable', ...)`](#addlistenerupdateavailable-) * [`addListener('downloadComplete', ...)`](#addlistenerdownloadcomplete-) * [`addListener('majorAvailable', ...)`](#addlistenermajoravailable-) * [`addListener('updateFailed', ...)`](#addlistenerupdatefailed-) * [`addListener('downloadFailed', ...)`](#addlistenerdownloadfailed-) * [`addListener('appReloaded', ...)`](#addlistenerappreloaded-) * [`addListener('appReady', ...)`](#addlistenerappready-) * [Interfaces](#interfaces) * [Type Aliases](#type-aliases) ### notifyAppReady() ```typescript notifyAppReady() => Promise ``` Notify Capacitor Updater that the current bundle is working (a rollback will occur if this method is not called on every app launch) By default this method should be called in the first 10 sec after app launch, otherwise a rollback will occur. Change this behaviour with {@link appReadyTimeout} **Returns:** Promise<AppReadyResult> -------------------- ### setUpdateUrl(...) ```typescript setUpdateUrl(options: UpdateUrl) => Promise ``` Set the updateUrl for the app, this will be used to check for updates. | Param | Type | Description | | ------------- | ----------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------- | | **`options`** | UpdateUrl | contains the URL to use for checking for updates. | **Since:** 5.4.0 -------------------- ### setStatsUrl(...) ```typescript setStatsUrl(options: StatsUrl) => Promise ``` Set the statsUrl for the app, this will be used to send statistics. Passing an empty string will disable statistics gathering. | Param | Type | Description | | ------------- | --------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- | | **`options`** | StatsUrl | contains the URL to use for sending statistics. | **Since:** 5.4.0 -------------------- ### setChannelUrl(...) ```typescript setChannelUrl(options: ChannelUrl) => Promise ``` Set the channelUrl for the app, this will be used to set the channel. | Param | Type | Description | | ------------- | ------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------ | | **`options`** | ChannelUrl | contains the URL to use for setting the channel. | **Since:** 5.4.0 -------------------- ### download(...) ```typescript download(options: DownloadOptions) => Promise ``` Download a new bundle from the provided URL, it should be a zip file, with files inside or with a unique id inside with all your files | Param | Type | Description | | ------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **`options`** | DownloadOptions | The {@link DownloadOptions} for downloading a new bundle zip. | **Returns:** Promise<BundleInfo> -------------------- ### next(...) ```typescript next(options: BundleId) => Promise ``` Set the next bundle to be used when the app is reloaded. | Param | Type | Description | | ------------- | --------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **`options`** | BundleId | Contains the ID of the next Bundle to set on next app launch. {@link} | **Returns:** Promise<BundleInfo> -------------------- ### set(...) ```typescript set(options: BundleId) => Promise ``` Set the current bundle and immediately reloads the app. | Param | Type | Description | | ------------- | --------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **`options`** | BundleId | A {@link BundleId} object containing the new bundle id to set as current. | -------------------- ### delete(...) ```typescript delete(options: BundleId) => Promise ``` Deletes the specified bundle from the native app storage. Use with {@link list} to get the stored Bundle IDs. | Param | Type | Description | | ------------- | --------------------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **`options`** | BundleId | A {@link BundleId} object containing the ID of a bundle to delete (note, this is the bundle id, NOT the version name) | -------------------- ### list() ```typescript list() => Promise ``` Get all locally downloaded bundles in your app **Returns:** Promise<BundleListResult> -------------------- ### reset(...) ```typescript reset(options?: ResetOptions | undefined) => Promise ``` Reset the app to the `builtin` bundle (the one sent to Apple App Store / Google Play Store ) or the last successfully loaded bundle. | Param | Type | Description | | ------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **`options`** | ResetOptions | Containing {@link ResetOptions.toLastSuccessful}, `true` resets to the builtin bundle and `false` will reset to the last successfully loaded bundle. | -------------------- ### current() ```typescript current() => Promise ``` Get the current bundle, if none are set it returns `builtin`. currentNative is the original bundle installed on the device **Returns:** Promise<CurrentBundleResult> -------------------- ### reload() ```typescript reload() => Promise ``` Reload the view -------------------- ### setMultiDelay(...) ```typescript setMultiDelay(options: MultiDelayConditions) => Promise ``` Sets a {@link DelayCondition} array containing conditions that the Plugin will use to delay the update. After all conditions are met, the update process will run start again as usual, so update will be installed after a backgrounding or killing the app. For the `date` kind, the value should be an iso8601 date string. For the `background` kind, the value should be a number in milliseconds. For the `nativeVersion` kind, the value should be the version number. For the `kill` kind, the value is not used. The function has unconsistent behavior the option kill do trigger the update after the first kill and not after the next background like other options. This will be fixed in a future major release. | Param | Type | Description | | ------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **`options`** | MultiDelayConditions | Containing the {@link MultiDelayConditions} array of conditions to set | **Since:** 4.3.0 -------------------- ### cancelDelay() ```typescript cancelDelay() => Promise ``` Cancels a {@link DelayCondition} to process an update immediately. **Since:** 4.0.0 -------------------- ### getLatest() ```typescript getLatest() => Promise ``` Get Latest bundle available from update Url **Returns:** Promise<LatestVersion> **Since:** 4.0.0 -------------------- ### setChannel(...) ```typescript setChannel(options: SetChannelOptions) => Promise ``` Sets the channel for this device. The channel has to allow for self assignment for this to work. Do not use this method to set the channel at boot when `autoUpdate` is enabled in the {@link PluginsConfig}. This method is to set the channel after the app is ready. | Param | Type | Description | | ------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **`options`** | SetChannelOptions | Is the {@link SetChannelOptions} channel to set | **Returns:** Promise<ChannelRes> **Since:** 4.7.0 -------------------- ### unsetChannel(...) ```typescript unsetChannel(options: UnsetChannelOptions) => Promise ``` Unset the channel for this device. The device will then return to the default channel | Param | Type | | ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **`options`** | UnsetChannelOptions | **Since:** 4.7.0 -------------------- ### getChannel() ```typescript getChannel() => Promise ``` Get the channel for this device **Returns:** Promise<GetChannelRes> **Since:** 4.8.0 -------------------- ### setCustomId(...) ```typescript setCustomId(options: SetCustomIdOptions) => Promise ``` Set a custom ID for this device | Param | Type | Description | | ------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **`options`** | SetCustomIdOptions | is the {@link SetCustomIdOptions} customId to set | **Since:** 4.9.0 -------------------- ### getBuiltinVersion() ```typescript getBuiltinVersion() => Promise ``` Get the native app version or the builtin version if set in config **Returns:** Promise<BuiltinVersion> **Since:** 5.2.0 -------------------- ### getDeviceId() ```typescript getDeviceId() => Promise ``` Get unique ID used to identify device (sent to auto update server) **Returns:** Promise<DeviceId> -------------------- ### getPluginVersion() ```typescript getPluginVersion() => Promise ``` Get the native Capacitor Updater plugin version (sent to auto update server) **Returns:** Promise<PluginVersion> -------------------- ### isAutoUpdateEnabled() ```typescript isAutoUpdateEnabled() => Promise ``` Get the state of auto update config. **Returns:** Promise<AutoUpdateEnabled> -------------------- ### removeAllListeners() ```typescript removeAllListeners() => Promise ``` Remove all listeners for this plugin. **Since:** 1.0.0 -------------------- ### addListener('download', ...) ```typescript addListener(eventName: "download", listenerFunc: (state: DownloadEvent) => void) => Promise ``` Listen for bundle download event in the App. Fires once a download has started, during downloading and when finished. | Param | Type | | ------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **`eventName`** | 'download' | | **`listenerFunc`** | (state: DownloadEvent) => void | **Returns:** Promise<PluginListenerHandle> **Since:** 2.0.11 -------------------- ### addListener('noNeedUpdate', ...) ```typescript addListener(eventName: "noNeedUpdate", listenerFunc: (state: NoNeedEvent) => void) => Promise ``` Listen for no need to update event, useful when you want force check every time the app is launched | Param | Type | | ------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **`eventName`** | 'noNeedUpdate' | | **`listenerFunc`** | (state: NoNeedEvent) => void | **Returns:** Promise<PluginListenerHandle> **Since:** 4.0.0 -------------------- ### addListener('updateAvailable', ...) ```typescript addListener(eventName: "updateAvailable", listenerFunc: (state: UpdateAvailableEvent) => void) => Promise ``` Listen for available update event, useful when you want to force check every time the app is launched | Param | Type | | ------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **`eventName`** | 'updateAvailable' | | **`listenerFunc`** | (state: UpdateAvailableEvent) => void | **Returns:** Promise<PluginListenerHandle> **Since:** 4.0.0 -------------------- ### addListener('downloadComplete', ...) ```typescript addListener(eventName: "downloadComplete", listenerFunc: (state: DownloadCompleteEvent) => void) => Promise ``` Listen for downloadComplete events. | Param | Type | | ------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **`eventName`** | 'downloadComplete' | | **`listenerFunc`** | (state: DownloadCompleteEvent) => void | **Returns:** Promise<PluginListenerHandle> **Since:** 4.0.0 -------------------- ### addListener('majorAvailable', ...) ```typescript addListener(eventName: "majorAvailable", listenerFunc: (state: MajorAvailableEvent) => void) => Promise ``` Listen for Major update event in the App, let you know when major update is blocked by setting disableAutoUpdateBreaking | Param | Type | | ------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **`eventName`** | 'majorAvailable' | | **`listenerFunc`** | (state: MajorAvailableEvent) => void | **Returns:** Promise<PluginListenerHandle> **Since:** 2.3.0 -------------------- ### addListener('updateFailed', ...) ```typescript addListener(eventName: "updateFailed", listenerFunc: (state: UpdateFailedEvent) => void) => Promise ``` Listen for update fail event in the App, let you know when update has fail to install at next app start | Param | Type | | ------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **`eventName`** | 'updateFailed' | | **`listenerFunc`** | (state: UpdateFailedEvent) => void | **Returns:** Promise<PluginListenerHandle> **Since:** 2.3.0 -------------------- ### addListener('downloadFailed', ...) ```typescript addListener(eventName: "downloadFailed", listenerFunc: (state: DownloadFailedEvent) => void) => Promise ``` Listen for download fail event in the App, let you know when a bundle download has failed | Param | Type | | ------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **`eventName`** | 'downloadFailed' | | **`listenerFunc`** | (state: DownloadFailedEvent) => void | **Returns:** Promise<PluginListenerHandle> **Since:** 4.0.0 -------------------- ### addListener('appReloaded', ...) ```typescript addListener(eventName: "appReloaded", listenerFunc: () => void) => Promise ``` Listen for reload event in the App, let you know when reload has happened | Param | Type | | ------------------ | -------------------------- | | **`eventName`** | 'appReloaded' | | **`listenerFunc`** | () => void | **Returns:** Promise<PluginListenerHandle> **Since:** 4.3.0 -------------------- ### addListener('appReady', ...) ```typescript addListener(eventName: "appReady", listenerFunc: (state: AppReadyEvent) => void) => Promise ``` Listen for app ready event in the App, let you know when app is ready to use | Param | Type | | ------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | **`eventName`** | 'appReady' | | **`listenerFunc`** | (state: AppReadyEvent) => void | **Returns:** Promise<PluginListenerHandle> **Since:** 5.1.0 -------------------- ### Interfaces #### AppReadyResult | Prop | Type | | ------------ | ------------------------------------------------- | | **`bundle`** | BundleInfo | #### BundleInfo | Prop | Type | | ---------------- | ----------------------------------------------------- | | **`id`** | string | | **`version`** | string | | **`downloaded`** | string | | **`checksum`** | string | | **`status`** | BundleStatus | #### UpdateUrl | Prop | Type | | --------- | ------------------- | | **`url`** | string | #### StatsUrl | Prop | Type | | --------- | ------------------- | | **`url`** | string | #### ChannelUrl | Prop | Type | | --------- | ------------------- | | **`url`** | string | #### DownloadOptions | Prop | Type | Description | Default | Since | | ---------------- | ------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------- | ----- | | **`url`** | string | The URL of the bundle zip file (e.g: to be downloaded. (This can be any URL. E.g: Amazon S3, a GitHub tag, any other place you've hosted your bundle.) | | | | **`version`** | string | The version code/name of this bundle/version | | | | **`sessionKey`** | string | The session key for the update | undefined | 4.0.0 | | **`checksum`** | string | The checksum for the update | undefined | 4.0.0 | #### BundleId | Prop | Type | | -------- | ------------------- | | **`id`** | string | #### BundleListResult | Prop | Type | | ------------- | ------------------------- | | **`bundles`** | BundleInfo[] | #### ResetOptions | Prop | Type | | ---------------------- | -------------------- | | **`toLastSuccessful`** | boolean | #### CurrentBundleResult | Prop | Type | | ------------ | ------------------------------------------------- | | **`bundle`** | BundleInfo | | **`native`** | string | #### MultiDelayConditions | Prop | Type | | --------------------- | ----------------------------- | | **`delayConditions`** | DelayCondition[] | #### DelayCondition | Prop | Type | Description | | ----------- | --------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------- | | **`kind`** | DelayUntilNext | Set up delay conditions in setMultiDelay | | **`value`** | string | | #### LatestVersion | Prop | Type | Description | Since | | ---------------- | -------------------- | -------------------------- | ----- | | **`version`** | string | Result of getLatest method | 4.0.0 | | **`major`** | boolean | | | | **`message`** | string | | | | **`sessionKey`** | string | | | | **`error`** | string | | | | **`old`** | string | | | | **`url`** | string | | | #### ChannelRes | Prop | Type | Description | Since | | ------------- | ------------------- | ----------------------------- | ----- | | **`status`** | string | Current status of set channel | 4.7.0 | | **`error`** | any | | | | **`message`** | any | | | #### SetChannelOptions | Prop | Type | | ----------------------- | -------------------- | | **`channel`** | string | | **`triggerAutoUpdate`** | boolean | #### UnsetChannelOptions | Prop | Type | | ----------------------- | -------------------- | | **`triggerAutoUpdate`** | boolean | #### GetChannelRes | Prop | Type | Description | Since | | -------------- | -------------------- | ----------------------------- | ----- | | **`channel`** | string | Current status of get channel | 4.8.0 | | **`error`** | any | | | | **`message`** | any | | | | **`status`** | string | | | | **`allowSet`** | boolean | | | #### SetCustomIdOptions | Prop | Type | | -------------- | ------------------- | | **`customId`** | string | #### BuiltinVersion | Prop | Type | | ------------- | ------------------- | | **`version`** | string | #### DeviceId | Prop | Type | | -------------- | ------------------- | | **`deviceId`** | string | #### PluginVersion | Prop | Type | | ------------- | ------------------- | | **`version`** | string | #### AutoUpdateEnabled | Prop | Type | | ------------- | -------------------- | | **`enabled`** | boolean | #### PluginListenerHandle | Prop | Type | | ------------ | ----------------------------------------- | | **`remove`** | () => Promise<void> | #### DownloadEvent | Prop | Type | Description | Since | | ------------- | ------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ----- | | **`percent`** | number | Current status of download, between 0 and 100. | 4.0.0 | | **`bundle`** | BundleInfo | | | #### NoNeedEvent | Prop | Type | Description | Since | | ------------ | ------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ----- | | **`bundle`** | BundleInfo | Current status of download, between 0 and 100. | 4.0.0 | #### UpdateAvailableEvent | Prop | Type | Description | Since | | ------------ | ------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ----- | | **`bundle`** | BundleInfo | Current status of download, between 0 and 100. | 4.0.0 | #### DownloadCompleteEvent | Prop | Type | Description | Since | | ------------ | ------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------ | ----- | | **`bundle`** | BundleInfo | Emit when a new update is available. | 4.0.0 | #### MajorAvailableEvent | Prop | Type | Description | Since | | ------------- | ------------------- | ------------------------------------------ | ----- | | **`version`** | string | Emit when a new major bundle is available. | 4.0.0 | #### UpdateFailedEvent | Prop | Type | Description | Since | | ------------ | ------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------- | ----- | | **`bundle`** | BundleInfo | Emit when a update failed to install. | 4.0.0 | #### DownloadFailedEvent | Prop | Type | Description | Since | | ------------- | ------------------- | -------------------------- | ----- | | **`version`** | string | Emit when a download fail. | 4.0.0 | #### AppReadyEvent | Prop | Type | Description | Since | | ------------ | ------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------- | ----- | | **`bundle`** | BundleInfo | Emitted when the app is ready to use. | 5.2.0 | | **`status`** | string | | | ### Type Aliases #### BundleStatus "success" | "error" | "pending" | "downloading" #### DelayUntilNext "background" | "kill" | "nativeVersion" | "date"

Listen to download events

  import { CapacitorUpdater } from '@capgo/capacitor-updater';

CapacitorUpdater.addListener('download', (info: any) => {
  console.log('download was fired', info.percent);

On iOS, Apple don't allow you to show a message when the app is updated, so you can't show a progress bar.



jamesyoung1337 Thank you so much for your guidance and support, it was impossible to make this plugin work without you.