Chris2018998 / beecp

A small JDBC Connection pool
Apache License 2.0
88 stars 18 forks source link
beecp connection-pooling high-performance java jdbc

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:coffee: Introduction

BeeCP is a small JDBC connection pool: high performance, lightweight code and good stability.

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:tractor: Example

:point_right: Example-1(independent)

BeeDataSourceConfig config = new BeeDataSourceConfig();
BeeDataSource ds=new BeeDataSource(config);
Connection con=ds.getConnection();

:point_right: Example-2(Springbooot)


public class DataSourceConfig {
  private String user;
  private String password;
  private String url;
  private String driver;

  public DataSource primaryDataSource() {
    return DataSourceBuilder.create().type(cn.beecp.BeeDataSource.class).build();

  public DataSource secondDataSource() {
   return new BeeDataSource(new BeeDataSourceConfig(driver,url,user,password));

:book: Function map


:computer: Runtime monitor

Two ways are provided in pool

:sunny: If your project is using beecp and base on springboot, we recommend our datasource management tool:BeeCP-Starter (web ui, no code development ,just some configuration)


:cherries: Compare to HikariCP

Compare Item BeeCP HikariCP
key technology ThreadLocal,Semaphore,ConcurrentLinkedQueue,Thread FastList,ConcurrentBag,ThreadPoolExecutor
Similarities CAS,pre-generate proxy,driver statement cache
Difference fair mode,supprt XA,recycle hold-timeout connection,single connection cache,queue reuse,non move waiting spin pool pause
Files 37 files,95KB Jar 44 files,158KB Jar
Performance 40 percent faster (HikariCP bench)

:green_apple: Code quality


:factory: User Extend

1:Connection factory interfaces

Two interfaces,which are using to create raw connection or raw XAConnection for self-implement and its subclass name need set to 'connectionFactoryClassName' in Bee DataSourceConfig object.





2:Jdbc password ciphertext decrypt class


:blue_book: Configuration

Item Name Desc Default
username a username link to db null
password password of a db user null
jdbcUrl url link to db null
driverClassName jdbc driver class name null
poolName a generation name assgin to it if not set null
fairMode pool work mode false
initialSize connection number of creation on pool initizization 0
asyncCreateInitConnection creation mode for initial connections false(synchronization mode)
maxActive max reachable count of connections in pool 10
borrowSemaphoreSize max permit size of pool semaphore min(maxActive/2,CPU size)
defaultAutoCommit initial value of autoCommit prop on created connections null,read prop value from first connection as initial value for other connections
defaultTransactionIsolationCode initial value of transactionIsolation prop on created connections null,read prop value from first connection as initial value for other connections
enableThreadLocal thread local cache enable indicator true,set false to support virtual threads
defaultCatalog initial value of catalog prop on created connections null,read prop value from first connection as initial value for other connections
defaultSchema initial value of schema prop on created connections null,read prop value from first connection as initial value for other connections
defaultReadOnly initial value of readOnly prop on created connections null,read prop value from first connection as initial value for other connections
maxWait max wait time in pool for borrowers to get connection,time unit:milliseconds 8000
idleTimeout idle time out for connections in pool,time unit:milliseconds 18000
holdTimeout max inactive time of borrowed connections,time unit:milliseconds 0(never timeout)
aliveTestSql alive test sql on borrowed connections,pool remove dead connections SELECT 1
aliveTestTimeout max wait time to get validation result on test connectionstime unit:seconds 3
aliveAssumeTime a gap time value from last activity time to borrowed time point,if less,not test,time unit:milliseconds 500
forceCloseUsingOnClear indicator on direct closing borrowed connections while pool clears false
timerCheckInterval an interval time to scan idle connections,time unit:milliseconds 18000
connectionFactoryClassName connection factory class name null
sqlExceptionCodeList store sql exception codes for connection eviction check null,related methods:addSqlExceptionCode,removeSqlExceptionCode
sqlExceptionStateList store sql exception state for connection eviction check null,related methods:addSqlExceptionCode,removeSqlExceptionCode
evictPredicateClassName eviction predicate class name null,pool only it to check exception if set
jdbcLinkInfoDecoderClassName short lifecycle object and used to decode jdbc link info null
forceDirtyOnSchemaAfterSet dirty force indicator on schema property under PG driver false
forceDirtyOnCatalogAfterSet dirty force indicator on schema property under PG driver false
enableJmx enable indicator to register configuration and pool to Jmx false
printConfigInfo boolean indicator,true:print config item info on pool starting false
printRuntimeLog boolean indicator,true:print runtime log false