ChristianKeine / HEKA_Patchmaster_Importer

Matlab class to import HEKA Patchmaster files
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heka matlab patch-clamp patch-clamp-recordings patchmaster

HEKA Patchmaster Importer

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Class to import HEKA Patchmaster files into Matlab. The core functionality is based on the HEKA importer from sigTool (Publication and GitHub Repository) with modifications from Sammy Katta (GitHub Repository).

This stand-alone importer works independent of sigTool and will additionally extract the stimulus (reconstructed from the pgf) and solutions (when solution base was active during recording).

The recordings will be sorted into a table together with various parameters e.g series resistance (Rs), cell membrane capacitance (Cm), holding potential (Vhold), stimulus and solutions. Note: Currently, not all possible stimuli are supported. If your stimulus contains ramps or alternating segments, it won't be reconstructed properly. However, it should work fine for most stimuli and support for new stimuli will be added in the future.

How to use:

Add the folder "@HEKA_Importer" containing all the corresponding files to your Matlab directory.


Alternative: run HEKA_Importer.GUI which will open the file dialog box from which the Patchmaster file can be selected.


Heka_Importer creates object containing the following properties:

UPDATE: As of Patchmaster version 2x90.3 (including Patchmaster Next), HEKA made minor changes to how data is stored in the tree structures. The amplifier settings are now always stored in a separate ".amp" file (which is part of the DAT bundle file). In previous versions, such a separate file was created only for EPC/n amplifiers. The HEKA_Import function has been updated accordingly and should work with older 2x90 versions and newer (>2x90.3/PMN) alike, but the amplifier settings might be stored differently.