ComPWA / ComPWA-legacy

[deprecated] C++ back-end for the Common Partial Wave Analysis framework
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c-plus-plus estimation optimization physics pwa

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[!WARNING] This C++ project is deprecated. ComPWA has become a organization that hosts several Python packages for amplitude analysis. Go to for an overview of the new projects.

[!TIP] For ComPWA's Python interface (pycompwa), see


ComPWA is a project to provide a flexible and modular Partial Wave Analysis framework for various use-cases. It was initiated and is developed by the Panda Collaboration (antiProton ANnihilation at DArmstadt) at Fair (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research). But ComPWA will not just be used for the Panda physics program, but also for various other experiments to provide a commonly used tool which is stable, efficient and provides comparable results. At the moment there are many PWA-tools on the market, most used just for specific experiments and specific physics cases, some experiments even have multiple tools. But why write the same software again and again? E.g. the model describing physical processes should stay the same independent where and how there was a measurement of the process. Using the actual same implementation of the model does not only save a lot of time, it also ensures that two experiments are comparing the same thing. The same argument holds for optimization-routines and estimation-functions. It might even allow combined fitting of different experiments instead of taking the average of the results!

The natural modularization, following the considerations above, would be to separate into experiment specific information, physics (models, formalisms), estimation how good the model fits the data and optimization of free parameters. The first considerations on this where discussed with experts from different experiments and different technologies where discussed and tested. The result of this process is the first requirement document of the new PWA-Framework. This sketch illustrates the modular concept:


Available Features:

ComPWA offers the python interface pycompwa which gives access to most functionality of ComPWA and provides an expert-system to generate amplitude models.


ComPWA is supposed to run on most modern unix systems (including MacOS). The following packages are mandatory:

For a more feature rich installation, the following packages are highly recommended:

In case that some dependencies are not met on your system use your package manager to install them or use the manual procedures described below. For MacOS you can use e.g. MacPorts as package manager. You can also try to use different (newer) versions than the ones stated above, however those are not tested.

In order to install all dependencies it is probably also useful to have a look on the installation instructions file for TravisCI.

Quick Installation

A detailed guide can be found below. The installation basically boils down to:

git clone --recurse-submodules <COMPWA_SOURCE_PATH>
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .


The repository contains a couple of examples.To learn about more detailed features of ComPWA you also might want to have a look on the examples of the pycompwa package.


Source code documentation via Doxygen is provided here. The main branch is automatically built using TravisCI. Probably, it is interesting to check out the log file and the projects TravisCI configuration file travisCI.yml.

ComPWA installation

Manual installation of dependencies

Getting ComPWA

Get the most recent version:

git clone --recurse-submodules <COMPWA_SOURCE_PATH>

This will clone the repository and its sub-modules to the sub-folder <COMPWA_SOURCE_PATH> within the current directory. For multi-threading ComPWA uses the parallel stl algorithms of c++17. Unfortunately the current compilers do not have any implementations for this. Here ComPWA currently relies on TBB and parallelstl, which are included in ComPWA as git submodules.

Building ComPWA

ComPWA uses cmake as build system. The usual steps to build all libraries and the test executable are the following:

Installation via Docker

A Dockerfile for ComPWA is provided. You can use it to build an docker image to run ComPWA. Using such an image ComPWA should run on all systems that are supported by docker including several (commercial) cloud computing services. If you are new to docker you can have a look on this tutorial.

System specific notes

HimsterII / Mogon II

Mogon2 is the supercomputer of the Mainz University. If you work on it, you can fulfil the ComPWA installation requirements by loading a series of modules:

module load devel/CMake/3.9.5
module load toolchain/foss/2017a
module load devel/Boost/1.65.1-foss-2017a
module load ROOT/v6.12-foss-2017a-python3
export CC=/cluster/easybuild/broadwell/software/compiler/GCCcore/6.3.0/bin/gcc
export CXX=/cluster/easybuild/broadwell/software/compiler/GCCcore/6.3.0/bin/g++

Now follow: Building ComPWA.