ComputationalBiomechanicsLab / opensim-creator

A UI for building OpenSim models
Apache License 2.0
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biomechanics opensim physics-simulation

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OpenSim Creator OpenSim Creator Logo

A UI for building OpenSim models

πŸ‘“ Overview


OpenSim Creator (osc) is a standalone UI for building and editing OpenSim models. It's available as a freestanding all-in-one installer for Windows 10, MacOS Ventura, and Ubuntu 20 (or newer versions).

Architecturally, osc is a C++ codebase that is directly integrated against the OpenSim core C++ API. It otherwise only uses lightweight open-source libraries that can easily be built from source (e.g. SDL, ImGui, and stb) to implement the UI on all target platforms. This makes osc fairly easy to build, integrate, and package.

osc started development in 2021 in the Biomechanical Engineering department at TU Delft. It is currently funded by the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative's "Essential Open Source Software for Science" grant (Chan Zuckerberg Initiative DAF, 2020-218896 (5022)).

Project Sponsors
TUD logo
Biomechanical Engineering at TU Delft
CZI logo
Chan Zuckerberg Initiative

πŸš€ Installing

You can download a binary release from the πŸ“₯ releases page. OpenSim Creator is also regularly built from source using GitHub Actions, so if you want a bleeding-edge--but unreleased--build of OpenSim Creator check the actions page (must be logged into GitHub to see artifact links).

πŸͺŸ Windows (10 or newer)

MacOS (Ventura or newer)

Ubuntu (20 or newer)

πŸ“– Citing/Acknowledging

OpenSim Creator doesn't have a central written software publication that you can cite (yet πŸ˜‰). However, if you need to directly cite OpenSim Creator (e.g. because you think it's relevant that you built a model with it), the closest thing you can use is our DOI-ed Zenodo releases (metadata available in this repo: CITATION.cff/codemeta.json):

Kewley, A., Beesel, J., & Seth, A. (2024). OpenSim Creator (0.5.12). Zenodo.

If you need a general citation for the simulation/modelling technique, you can directly cite OpenSim via this paper:

Seth A, Hicks JL, Uchida TK, Habib A, Dembia CL, et al. (2018) OpenSim: Simulating musculoskeletal dynamics and neuromuscular control to study human and animal movement. PLOS Computational Biology 14(7): e1006223.

πŸ₯° Contributing

If you would like to contribute to OpenSim Creator then thank you πŸ₯°: it's people like you that make open-source awesome! See for more details.

πŸ—οΈ Building

Note: The build instructions here are for general users who just want to build OSC.

Because everyone's C++ build environment is slightly different, there are no catch-all build instructions that will work for everyone. Instead, we recommend reading + running the automated build scripts, or reading some of the basic tips-and-tricks for Visual Studio or QtCreator (below).

Windows (10 or newer)

  1. Get git:
    1. Download+install it from
    2. Make sure to add it to the PATH. Usually, the installer asks if you want this. If it doesn't ask, then you may need to add it manually (google: "Modify windows PATH", add your git install: C:\Program Files\Git\bin)
    3. Verify it's installed by opening a terminal (Shift+Right-Click -> Open Powershell window here) and run git
  2. Get C++20-compatible compiler (Visual Studio 17 2022):
    1. Download+install it from
    2. Make sure to select C/C++ development in the installer wizard when it asks you what parts you would like to install
  3. Get cmake:
    1. Download+install it from
    2. Make sure to add it to the PATH. Usually, the installer asks if you want this. If it doesn't ask, then you may need to add it manually (google: "Modify windows PATH", add your cmake install: C:\Program Files\CMake\bin)
    3. Verify it's installed by opening a terminal (Shift+Right-Click -> Open Powershell window here) and run cmake
  4. Get NSIS:
    1. Download+install it from
  5. Get python and pip:
    1. Download from
    2. Make sure python and pip are added to the PATH (the installer usually prompts this)
    3. Verify they are installed by opening a terminal (Shift+Right-Click -> Open Powershell window here) and run python --help and pip --help
  6. Build OpenSim Creator in a PowerShell terminal:
    1. Open a PowerShell terminal (Shift+Right-Click -> Open Powershell window here)
    2. Clone opensim-creator: git clone
    3. cd into the source dir: cd opensim-creator
    4. Run the build script: python .\scripts\ (warning: can take a long time)
  7. Done:
    1. The osc-build directory should contain the built installer

Mac (Ventura or newer)

  1. Get brew:
    1. Go to and follow installation instructions
  2. Get git:
    1. Can be installed via brew: brew install git
  3. Get C++20-compatible compiler (e.g. clang via brew, or newer XCodes):
    1. OpenSim Creator is a C++20 project, so you'll have to use a more recent XCode (>14), or install a newer clang from brew (e.g. brew install clang)
  4. Get cmake:
    1. Can be installed via brew: brew install cmake
  5. Get python and pip (optional: you only need this if you want to build documentation):
    1. Can be installed via brew: brew install python
  6. Build OpenSim Creator in a terminal:
    1. Clone opensim-creator: git clone
    2. cd into the source dir: cd opensim-creator
    3. If you have multiple C++ compilers, make sure that the CC and CXX environment variables point to compilers that are compatible with C++20. E.g. export CXX=$(brew --prefix llvm@15)/bin/clang++
    4. Run the build script: scripts/ (warning: can take a long time)
  7. Done:
    1. The osc-build directory should contain the built installer

Ubuntu (20 or newer)

  1. Get git:
    1. Install git via your package manager (e.g. apt-get install git)
  2. Get a C++20-compatible compiler:
    1. Install g++/clang++ via your package manager (e.g. apt-get install g++)
    2. They must be new enough to compile C++20 (e.g. clang >= clang-11)
    3. If they aren't new enough, most OSes provide a way to install a newer compiler toolchain (e.g. apt-get install clang-11). You can configure which compiler is used to build OpenSim Creator by setting the CC and CXX environment variables. E.g. CC=clang-11 CXX=clang++-11 ./scripts/
  3. Get C++20-compatible standard library headers (usually required on Ubuntu 20):
    1. sudo apt-get install libstdc++-10-dev
  4. Get cmake:
    1. Install cmake via your package manager (e.g. apt-get install cmake)
    2. If your cmake is too old, build one from source, see:
  5. Get python and pip (optional: you only need this if you want to build documentation):
    1. Install python3 and pip3 via your package manager (e.g. apt-get install python3 pip3)
  6. Build OpenSim Creator in a terminal:
    1. Clone opensim-creator: git clone --recursive
    2. cd into the source dir: cd opensim-creator
    3. If you have multiple C++ compilers, make sure that the CC and CXX environment variables point to compilers that are compatible with C++20. E.g. export CC=clang-12, export CXX=clang++-12
    4. Run the build script: scripts/
  7. Done:
    1. The osc-build directory should contain the built installer

πŸ’» Setup Development Environment

These are some generic tips that might be handy when setting up your own development environment.

Visual Studio 2022
