Covid19Efforts / covidshots helps you find, and book vaccination slots in India. You can set it to automatically book new slots, or just to monitor for new slots and sound alarm.
2 stars 5 forks source link
covid-19 covid-19-india covid19-tracker cowin vaccination-slot vaccine-tracker

Looking for contributors !!!

UX, QA, Dev, Misc

Join us

Use this website to find free vaccine slots, Set alarms

Search across multiple districts (and states) at once

Sort data (Highest number of available vaccines on top)

Filter results

Monitor vaccine availability continuously (Auto refresh)

Auto refresh

View availability statistics

Set audio alarm/ Receive notifications

Disadvantages over Cowin

1. Cannot be used to book slots. For that you will have to use Cowin, et al. (Work in progress? Please join as a contributor)


Building locally

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Open git bash (search google for git bash to download)
  3. run bundle install
  4. run jekyll serve
  5. The site will be available at http://localhost:4000

More info : Building your site locally


  1. Fork this repo to you github profile
  2. Make changes in your forked version of this repo. You can make as many commits as you want
  3. Raise a pull request so that this repo will get notified about your changes, and your changes can be merged with this site.

Mock API

Uisng mock API can help in testing. When mock API is in use the data is fetched from our ngrok API instead of cowin servers.

  1. Enable usage of mock API Open developer settings in chrome, and run the following funtion.
  2. Disable


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