D3vl0per / Twitch-watcher

Automatic watching the twitch to get Valorant drop
MIT License
227 stars 69 forks source link
afk-bot docker drop javascript-tools puppeteer twitchbot valorant

Twitch watcher

I spent two days watching Valorant streams to get a drop. I got bored...

GitHub package.json version GitHub GitHub repo size GitHub issues




πŸŽ₯ Tutorial video by Ziyad πŸŽ₯


  1. Login to your twitch account
  2. Open inspector(F12 or Ctrl+Shift+I) on main site
  3. Find the stored cookie section
  4. Copy auth-token
  5. Clone this repo
  6. Install Chromium
  7. Usually the path to the Chromium executable is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
  8. Install the dependencies with npm install
  9. Start the program with npm start


  10. Login to your twitch account
  11. Open inspector(F12 or Ctrl+Shift+I) on main site
  12. Find the stored cookie section
  13. Copy auth-token
  14. Clone this repo
  15. Install Chromium: TUTORIAL πŸ€—
  16. Locate Chromium executable: whereis chromium or whereis chromium-browser
  17. Install the dependencies with npm install
  18. Start the program with npm start


Docker Image Version (latest by date) Docker Pulls Docker Image Size (latest by date)

Docker is a set of platform as a service (PaaS) products that uses OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers. Containers are isolated from one another and bundle their own software, libraries and configuration files. All containers are run by a single operating system kernel and therefore use fewer resources than virtual machines.



  1. Download docker-compose-example.yml
  2. Rename docker-compose.yml
  3. Open and replace the token environment record
  4. Run with docker-compose up -d command


    GitHub package.json dependency version (subfolder of monorepo) GitHub package.json dependency version (subfolder of monorepo) GitHub package.json dependency version (subfolder of monorepo) GitHub package.json dependency version (subfolder of monorepo) GitHub package.json dependency version (subfolder of monorepo) GitHub package.json dependency version (prod)


How does the token look like?

auth-token: rxk38rh5qtyw95fkvm7kgfceh4mh6u

Streamers.json is empty?

Try again with higher delay. Default delay:

const scrollDelay = 2000;

Go to code

Something went wrong?

Try non-headless mode. Set headless value to true, like this:

const showBrowser = true;

Go to code


Yes, of course:

const proxy = ""; // "ip:port" By https://github.com/Jan710

Go to code


With Docker env:


Screenshot without non-headless mode

const browserScreenshot = false;

Go to code


Please donate to keep alive this project!

Especially the drop farmers who gather tons of money with this software!πŸ€“

Buy Me A Coffee



This code is for educational and research purposes only. Do not attempt to violate the law with anything contained here. I will not be responsible for any illegal actions. Reproduction and copy is authorised, provided the source is acknowledged.