DIPlib / diplib

Quantitative Image Analysis in C++, MATLAB and Python
Apache License 2.0
211 stars 48 forks source link
bio-formats cpp cpp14 dipimage diplib filtering image-analysis image-processing image-viewer mathematical-morphology matlab python python3 quantification quantitative-image-analysis

DIPlib 3

Build Status CodeQL

The DIPlib project contains:

See the DIPlib website for more information.

Building and using the project

To build the library you will need a C++14 compliant compiler and CMake. See Building the DIPlib library for detailed instructions.

When linking against the DIPlib library without using CMake, it is important to set a few preprocessor macros. See Linking against the DIPlib library for details.


Reporting a bug

We use the issue tracker on GitHub to manage bug reports. See CONTRIBUTING.md for instructions on how to report a bug.

Bug fixes, algorithm improvements, new algorithms

Feel free to submit a pull request on GitHub. Please follow our style guide and make sure to read CONTRIBUTING.md first.

Documentation, tutorials

Documentation can always be improved (also, PyDIP has hardly any at all!). If you want to help write documentation, or create tutorials for how to use the library, read CONTRIBUTING.md, then submit a pull request on GitHub.

If you found an error in the documentation, we consider this a bug. See above how to report it.


Copyright 2014-2024 Cris Luengo and contributors
Copyright 1995-2014 Delft University of Technology

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this library except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

(or see the LICENSE.txt file in this distribution)

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

DIPlib includes the following libraries / external code:

Note that all of these have permissive open-source licenses similar in spirit to the Apache License.

DIPlib also optionally links against:

DIPviewer links against the following libraries:

DIPjavaio links against:

Note that OME Bio-Formats is optional, but DIPjavaio is currently useless without it. The DIPjavaio sources provided with this project are shared under the same licence as the rest of the project (Apache 2.0), but by linking with Bio-Formats, your whole program will become GPL. This module is not suitable for use in commercial, closed-source software.