DanielXMoore / Civet

A TypeScript superset that favors more types and less typing
MIT License
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coffeescript javascript typescript


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The modern way to write TypeScript.

Quickstart Guide

# Install
npm install -g @danielx/civet
# Run Civet code directly in a REPL
# Transpile typed Civet code into TypeScript in a REPL
civet -c
# Compile Civet source file to TypeScript
civet < source.civet > output.ts
# Execute a .civet script
civet source.civet ...args...
# Execute a .civet source file in node
node --import @danielx/civet/register source.civet


Code Sample

ts, {CompilerOptions} from typescript

DefaultCompilerOptions : CompilerOptions :=
  allowNonTsExtensions: true
  allowJs: true
  target: ts.ScriptTarget.Latest
  moduleResolution: ts.ModuleResolutionKind.NodeJs
  module: ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS
  allowSyntheticDefaultImports: true
  experimentalDecorators: true

fileCache : Record<string, any> := {}

createCompilerHost := (options: CompilerOptions, moduleSearchLocations : string[]) ->
  fileExists := (fileName: string) : boolean ->

  readFile := (fileName: string) ->


Civet is essentially a tasteful superset of TypeScript.

Implementations of New and Proposed ES Features

See the documentation for examples of these and other features.

Convenience for ES6+ Features

JSX Enhancements

Inspired by solid-dsl discussions and jsx spec issues

TypeScript Enhancements

Changes from ES6

Scripting Improvements

Comparison to CoffeeScript

Take a look at this detailed Civet // CoffeeScript comparision


Civet is not just one language; it can be configured in a variety of ways via directives to add or remove language features, or improve behavior in certain environments. See config documentation.

Using Civet in your Node.js Environment

You have now been convinced that Civet is right for your current/next project. Here is how to set up your environment to get productive right away and have a Good Time℠.


Code coverage with c8 "just works" thanks to their source map integration and Civet's source maps.

c8 + Mocha


  "scripts": {
    "test": "c8 mocha",
  "c8": {
    "extension": [
  "mocha": {
    "extension": [
    "loader": [

If you don't care for code coverage you can skip c8 (but it is so easy why not keep it?).

You can also add .js and .ts extensions if you want to mix and match! Even .coffee will work if you require coffeescript/register or add a loader for it.

Execute the tests

yarn test

Step 4: Enjoy!


Use the alpha version of Civet Language Server

The language server provides syntax highlighting, completions, hover documentation, symbols outline, red squigglies, and go to definition.

Q? Why can't I just use the built-in VSCode TypeScript LSP?

A: VSCode's built in TypeScript LSP can't resolve non .ts/.js, not even with plugins. Maybe one day they'll allow for plugins that let you adjust the resolver and insert a transpilation step but until then a separate language server is necessary.

Q? Sometimes the file outline disappears and the red squigglies are all in the wrong place and maybe a notification pops up about some kind of LSP error.

A: I'm sorry that happened to you but the Civet Language Server is still alpha and improving rapidly. Please let me know exactly what happened and I'll try to do better next time.

It may happen when there is a syntax error in your Civet file. You can check and see if it compiles using the CLI tool in the meantime.

Please do submit bug reports / feature requests.


I strongly recommend using esbuild for building / packaging your Civet project.

import esbuild from 'esbuild'
import civetPlugin from '@danielx/civet/esbuild-plugin'

  plugins: [
}).catch(() => process.exit(1))

It's super fast and works great!

Code Coverage

Coverage Status


If you are so inclined, you can sponsor Civet on Open Collective.