DataDrivenEcologicalSynthesis / VirtualBiogeography

Analyzing the biogeographical accuracy of 🐠Finding Nemo🐡
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biogeography ecology fictional-media finding-nemo media movie


Analyzing the biogeographical accuracy of :tropical_fish:Finding Nemo:blowfish:


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What we are doing

The problem

There are many pieces of media content out there that tried to incorporate elements (plants, animals, species interaction, etc.) of the geographical location that it sets in. Whether it's a movie, video game, or podcast, the depiction of biogeography may not be accurate. The potrayal of life in the wild in media plays an important role in the public's perception and attitude towards conservations and treatment of wildlife.

The solution

We use Finding Nemo as an example to see how accurate fictional media portrays the biogeography of a real place.

Who we are

List of contributors (in no particular order):